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Опубликовано: 8 июл. 2020 г. в 16:33

For English scrool down

13h gameplay, hororova adventura zo mierneho sci-fi prostredia.
Predtym ako som zacal hrat SOMA som si najprv zahral ostatne hry z minulosti tejto hernej spolocnosti - Penumbra, ci Amnesia. Je im velmi podobna, zobrala si z predoslich hier tie najlepsie mechaniky, trasenie a zahmlievanie obrazu ak ste zraneny alebo vasa postava vystrasena je mechanikou ktoru nevidite vo vela hrach a sem to velmi dobre sedi. Okrem ineho to zakryva graficke nedostatky priser, ktore ale aj tak nevidite medzi vsetkymi tymi tienmi a tmou v kazdou rohu. V tejto hre ale o grafiku nejde, nie ze by bola zla, ale zameranie tu je naozaj na pribeh. Ziadne tazke logicke ulohy a hladanie ihly v kope sena. Ulohy su jasne, hltate pribeh a jedine co vas vyrusuje su roznorode priserky ktore vam budu zneprijemnovat hru a snazit sa vas vystrasit :) Je to ako citat knihu a zaroven ju prezivat s hlavnou postavou. Posobive myslienky o existencii a zmysle zivota vam spravia v hlave nemalo otaznikov.
Zabavil som sa a parkrat aj zlakol ako sa od hororu ocakava, za mna like :)


13h gameplay, horor adventure, mild sci-fi theme.
Before I started this game I've played previous series from this company, called Penumbra and Amnesia. This game is very similar and took the best from her predecistors, like shaking the camera and blooring the view when your hero is scared or hurt, that's one of the best ones you don't see too much in other games. Graphical defects on mosters are barely visible trough all the shadows, shaking screen and dark rooms everywhere. But as expected, this game isn't about graphic pleasure, it is adventure and focus on story is really strong. No searching for a needle in the hay, no dificult task. Most of the taks are stright forward and only thing disturbing you are the monsters, all kinds of, which are trying to scare you :) It is all like reading a book and living the story in the main character mind. Ideas about meaning of life and its existence are mindblowing and leave you with more questions in head then before.
I had a lot of fun and got scared a few times, like you expect from horror, for me - like :)
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