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31-40/61개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 30.5시간 (평가 당시 0.5시간)

2019년 5월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.2시간
Traditional Point & Click Adventure, Puzzle, Psychological Horror.

+ The game is about a group of people that are living under a new oppressive 1960's Chinese government after the Japanese lost ownership of Taiwan & Korea from the defeat of WWII, after a 50 year Japanese imperial rule.
+ The story is about this group of people being involved in activities that are deemed as 'illegal' and the consequences that follow being victims of the situation, and how they uniquely affect all individuals involved.
+ Very indie production, yet simple and beautifully well done for it's traditional point & click genre.
+ Gratefully hardly no backtracking.
+ Classical Oriental spirit references quickly turns the atmosphere dark, chest unsettling, arm-hair standing creepy visuals, followed by euphoric dreamstate, that unknown to the player at first supports the storyline.
+ 2 endings based on your perspective choices that help solidify the author's statements on an oppressive gov't and guilt.
+ Very light in-game reading progressed the story and removed the feeling of a chore to play like so many others in it's genre.
+ Puzzles were basic, fairly original, and enjoyably refreshing.
+ Game design was well done, yet linear, which prevented being lost, which helped move the game along.
+ Story has a light political undertone where the ending challenges the player to think about human rights.
+ Excellent modern-english grammar.
+ Simple straight-to-the-point item inventory.
+ Extremely generous amount of savepoints.
- Dev could have made the game more graphic for the victim's outcomes to help the player understand the seriousness of what was lost, their pain & experience.
+ Playtime 3 hours.

+ Very easy for a Point & Click adventure, which focuses the player toward being more concerned with the story rather than challenge.

+/- 2 playthroughs max, one for each ending. Seeing both endings helps the player understand the full story.

Graphics, Artwork & Sound:
+ Very late 80's indie, yet hautingly beautiful visual backdrops.
+ Excellent well done soundtrack that fits the narrative - creepy-demented, makes the player feels uneasy, scary, confused.

Overall Rating:
⭐⭐☆☆☆ (2/5 Stars) Decent game
+ If you're looking for a simple & short thriller with touching and heart-wrenching story.
+ Game is worth around $2 in today's market, get on a 75% off sale.
+ I enjoyed the game for it's creepiness and touching ending, for using game art as a medium to identify an important part of the importance of freedom.
+ Very much look forward to playing future projects made by this emerging development team.


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2019년 4월 13일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 12월 25일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 43.0시간
Adventure, Turn-based RPG.

+ Simple flash-player style RPG with a strong 10/10 focus on writing & storyline.
+ Play a full true South Park episode with you as an important customizable character.
+ Edgy storyline writing is an understatement, it crosses the line in it’s exaggerated low-brow humor, about society, bringing sensitive social issues back into people's thoughts & public conversations, which is the root of the show and other entities such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Dave Chappelle. Some that don't 'get it' will be offended, other players will laugh their asses off.
+ Gameplay is mostly fetch quests & fighting. The quests surprisingly don't feel like chores as there is unpredictable humor in every direction & corner of the city, and always leaves you for wanting more having you continue playing. A player is constantly task-rewarded by awesome entertaining tv show quality cut-scenes to support the storyline.
+ The fighting surprisingly once again has a pretty complex system, which is refreshing and original. There are so many attacks you can do for each hero late-game, that you usually will do your first playthrough just ranking up only one companion, which is unfortunate as you later find out that all the companions have amazingly animated special attacks. For seasoned RPG gamers, you can combine equipment that can stack percentage bonuses that compound your attack damage, making for super easy 1-hit kills mid-to-late game. Because you don't take the game seriously, the player won’t take the fighting seriously and just rekt enemies with ease. The payoff from this is that the battles are actually a lot of fun to just rekt the opponents with over-powered attacks & spells.
+ The healing system is also over-powered, you can have a cleric class companion that allows for healing & and an attack each turn, or an overabundance of healing items stacked in your inventory. Where for strategic RPG players the game is a breeze to play, the main focus of the game is not challenge, rather item collecting and storyline which done brilliantly.
+ Most commercial themed videogames in history are well-known to suck, with the very exception of this game. The game doesnt compromise itself trying to be about something else or try to be the best in it’s genre, it's strength is that it stayed true to what it is - South Park!
+ Multiple original locations and a good mix of new enemies as you progress will keep you entertained, in fact the game just gets better the further you play, and just gets more incredible in it's later stages including visiting 'Canada' and 'Mr. Slave'.
+ This is absolutely one game that you do NOT want to spoil your experience by watching any playthrough videos or clips!
- Save system needs improvement, has only autosave & manual save reloads at previous checkpoints making the player loose some progress.
- Selling items is not ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as the menu scrolls back up to the top, forcing the player to research items over & over again for each sale.
- Ran into 1 bug where if you don't navigate through the school gym a certain way there is no option to destroy an obstacle from behind, making the player stuck and having to reload a save.
-DLC's a complete waste of money!!! Since u change your outfit every 5 mins within the game it's pointless to buy any skins! In fact i didnt even find any of my installed paid DLC during my full playthough.
+ Playtime somewhere around a solid 8 hours.

- Extremely easy that anyone over 8 years old can play, and one could argue that might be one of the game's weakness.
With so many attack options, it fails to take advantage of the complex and original attack system leaving it to waste.

None - Because the game is so easy there is no reason to do another playthrough. One might return in 5-10 years to re-experience the storyline for a few laughs having naturally forgotten it overtime. One might want to do another playthrough to experience fighting with another companion to have fun with their special attacks or team up with another side's team, but that isn't enough to bring the gamer back to do another full playthrough.

Graphics, Artwork & Sound:
+ Game stays absolutely true to itself by having an identical art-style quality as a TV episode.
- Game menu interface ugly.
-/+ Sound clips borrowed from Skyrim & Resident Evil.
+ Soundtrack pretty good mixed with South Park humor.

Overall Rating:
⭐⭐⭐☆ ☆ (3/5 Stars) Good Game!
+ If this was a series episode, it would be a legendary one - and you get to live it!
+ Because there isn't replay value, get it on a 75% sale, and it'll be worth every penny!
+ Go into the game expecting nothing, turn your SJW switch off and just allow yourself to have some raunchy laughs sprinkled with WTF moments!
A game to play once in your life to live the wild & crazy South Park experience.


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2019년 4월 10일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 4월 13일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1.0시간 (평가 당시 0.9시간)
Point & Click Abstract Puzzle Adventure.

+ Wacky, yet funny indie interactive game is sure to give you 'WTF?' moments till the end.
- Game is extreemly short, 15 mins to complete, and 5 mins if you know what you're doing.
+ Original, out of the box gameplay & mimialistic.
+ A deep hidden meaning about life woven within the story.
+ Go into the game expecting nothing, and just appreciate the ride.
+ Only mouse used, no keyboard needed.

+ Easy-to-medium 'think out of the box' difficulty.

+ None. A one time playthrough.

Graphics & Artwork:
+ Really well programed, excellent mouse-to-sprite control that makes you actually feel you're touching them.
+ Game is designed to be minimalistic, and it works well in the gameplay's favor.

Overall Rating:
⭐⭐☆☆☆ (2/5 Stars) Decent game.
+ Everyone should play through it once, especially since it only takes 15 mins to complete.
- Game is wayyy too short, and that has caused some users to complain.
+ I'd absolutely love a sequel or DLC!
+ Game is worth about $1, put it on your wishlist and wait for a 85% off sale.
+ I absolutely loved the abstract & wackiness of the game, in fact i want more!!


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2018년 12월 2일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 12월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 2.0시간
(review is in construction during playthrough)


NOTE: This is a very poorly optimized game that gives unplayable lag.
When you get it to work, it looks & plays amazing.

How to get it to work on PC's using Nvidia GPU's:
+ Download & Install 'Nvidia Geforce Experience': https://www.geforce.com/geforce-experience/download
+ Open 'Nvidia Geforce Experience' and click 'Check for Updates', Download Updates then restart your PC.
+ Open 'Nvidia Control Panel', click 'Set PhysX Configuration', Under 'Select PhysX Processor' select your GPU (do not select CPU!),
+ Click 'Manage 3D Settings', under 'Preferred Graphics Processor' select 'High-Performace NVIDIA Processor' (do not select Auto-select/Intergrated Graphics!), scroll down and click 'OpenGL Rendering GPU' and select your GPU (do not select 'Auto-select'!).

DONE! Now all your games are going to look, feel and run better!
2018년 12월 2일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 12월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 460.0시간 (평가 당시 185.1시간)
Single player turn-based micro-management tactical strategy.

+ Travel from world to world in outer-space inside your ship as the captain, encounter an event for each world, defending your ship or helping others while trading goods and upgrading your ship to become more powerful along the way!
+ RNG events & items, ending always the same - defeating the enemy Flagship.
+ Incredible soundtrack!! Great simple original sounds.
+ Challenging strategy that differs with each enemy encounter.
- Gameplay is a engaging solid 2 hours from start to finish, too short.
+ Menu navigation simple and well designed.
+ Mouse hovering pop-ups with simple explanations.

+ Meets the limit before challenging becomes a frustration.
+ To win the game is to understand each individual aspect of the game, and you can only achieve this through gameplay exp. and/or reading a FTL wiki on the current event, but isn't a problem as the game is so addicting it gives you that 'just one more turn/playthrough' feeling.
+ After you beomce experienced with the game, really only difficulty is defeating the boss Flagship.
+ Pause button spamming to execute decisions becomes essential for survival.

+ Lots at first, game is simple yet really addictive. But after you beat the boss Flagship, the only reason to play through it again is to try to beat it using different ships or ship layouts, or to unlock additional secret ships if you are lucky enough to bump into one of the encounters at the right time.

Graphics & Artwork:
+ Simple yet indie beautiful!
+ Its a tightly designed game so the mechanics works really well for it's art-style.
- Character sprites are slightly a bit too small and hard to see attack animations.

Overall Rating:
⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4/5 Stars) Great Game, MUST-HAVE!!
+ Indie masterpiece!
- Game is too short, its so good that it deserved to be much longer after beating the final enemy flagship. Wished the current game was just the first level and there were more 'levels' after that.
+ I'd absolutely love a sequel or DLC, with ONLINE MULTIPLAYER and maybe where the game can be extended where you can touchdown on the worlds you visit including additional encounters because of it, maybe hextile-based on land fighting, that also includes wildlife & plantlife.
+ Game regularly goes on sale at 75% off, which is an amazing pricepoint! If you get this on a 75% off sale, it will be the best $3 you've ever spent in your life!
+ Must-play to experience within your lifetime, crossing it off the bucket-list, and a must-have for a gamer's library!


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2018년 11월 11일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 11월 11일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 113.0시간 (평가 당시 68.9시간)
Strategy Board Game

+Game based heavily on role strategy & who-done-it investigating.
+Zero waittime, as there is 5000-7000 people playing around the clock!
+Nice audio tracks.
+Menu navigation really well designed.
-Easy for trolls to throw the game in global chat, but there is a easy report system.
+Games last around 10 mins, a good game to kill a few mins of time while waiting.
+Game offers free currency to be used on skins which is easy to acquire in a few matches.
+Game offers free currency checking into game daily.
+A nice & unique way of playing a multiplayer game with a community.
+Game forces users to play 60 practice games before playing in ranked.
-Ranked has a ton of different roles from practice mode, so you have to learn new roles from scratch without any knowledge of abilities & weaknesses, which is a huge blunder in gameplay.

+Takes a little bit of time to learn roles, one game at a time, but game explains roles well.
+Game is heavily based off of strategy, know the roles and how to play them with excellence.

+Tons, since games are only 10 mins long, the reputability is endless.
+Huge expansion pack with new roles & rules, when u mastered the first version of the game.

Graphics & Artwork:
-Ugly mid-2000's flashplayer graphics.
-Sprites blurry, artwork primitive, missed opportunity to make a ton of more skins that look really nice & modern.

Overall Rating:
⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4/5 Stars) Great Game!
+ Its really hard to make a great game from scratch, without copying a game from the past, but the developers did it. What started out as a flash-game turned out to become one of those perfect little games made in history like 'Chess'/'Monopoly' ext.
+ Altho any game involving multiplayer teamwork can once in a while become difficultly frustrating, Town of Salem has achieved its own uniqueness & individualism that is very rare for any kind of game, making this a classic, and has the potential to become bigger with new HD skins and add-ons if the developers are motivated.
+/- A new great classic game, yet not addicting.
- Game really needs a facelift using modern graphics!
+ Game is worth around $2 bucks, get it on sale when it hits around this pricepoint.
+ Must-play to experience within your lifetime, crossing it off the bucket-list, and a must-have for a gamer's library.


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2018년 5월 29일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 6월 5일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 18.6시간 (평가 당시 1.7시간)
(review in contruction during playthrough)

+Added new music tracks to the soundtrack.
-/+ Beginer levels spoon-feed game mechanics.
+Added daytime cycle to some levels.
+Level design much more of a variety than any of the previous games in the series.
+More levels in this game vs the previous in the series.
+Game feels, looks and plays better than any entries prior in the series, with new mechanics & themes which are much more enjoyable, making this game one of the best in the series, and worth the playthough if you want to experience the series genre.
- Game started off strong but didnt continue to evolve the levels, poorer boring level design mid to end game.
2018년 5월 19일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 4월 27일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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31명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 7.4시간 (평가 당시 7.4시간)
+Card game.

-Has no concept of international black jack rules:
-In real life, who ever makes a true blackjack (ace + 10 card) they automatically win.
-When u ‘Double Down’ that is supposed to mean you are going to ‘hit’/take one more card at the expense of doubling your original bet. This is not done within the game, it just doubles your money. The game also allows you to Double Down at any stage where in true Blackjack you may only have the Double Down option hitting your first card.
-When someone has 2 aces as their starting cards, it does NOT equal 22, it is automatically 12 (11 + 1).
-Card algorithms are pretty authentic, but can lose more than 8 times in a row extremely often, that which is hard to do playing strategically in real life.
-There is Russian text mixed with English.
-Music soundtrack does not fit a card game, and is a repetitive feedback loop that is extremely annoying over time.
-There is lag latency when trying to click the buttons.
-Game doesn’t explain or lay out a game objective.
-Once u lose all your money it forces you the only option to exit out of the game and reload to start a new game in order to continue playing. There should be a reload wallet option.
-Won't allow u to hit more than 5 cards total.
-Mid-game the betting cap is only $2,000 per hand, so when you take into concideration that both you and your opponent have $50,000 each, while playing smart its mathamatically possible that the game goes on forever turning it into a stalemate. Really dev?
-Late-game was unable to finish as there was a $2000 max beting cap, and game went on for hours in a stalemate.

+You can best the game and beat it by using the ‘Martingale’ betting system by doubling your bet each time you lose. When you eventually win, you get all your money back from the previous losses plus a profit of your initial bet. This is a grind, but the only way to 100% guarantee you won’t lose any money, therefore a 100% guarantee of winning the game, as long as the card algorithm is authentic to real life.
Also, general rules to win at Blackjack mathamaticly are: Hit when you have 2-13 points, Stay when u have 14-21 points. Keep in mind, the most impotant advantage the house/casino has in Blackjack simply is the player is forced to play first, and if they go over 21 points & bust, its a 100% win for the house/casino before the dealer even got a chance to play. ;)
Because of the game's poor rule design, whenever you have 20 or 21 points, 'Double' your bet, because of this.

1/5 None.
-Once you complete the game and there is no reason to replay it due to the boring grind.
-In fact, this game should never be played at all in it's current state.

Graphics & Artwork:
+Art design is okay as long as there was a proper game objective, which this does not.

Overall Rating:
⭐☆☆☆☆ (1/5 Stars) Awful Game.
+Price is worth around $1 which is nice to see it properly pricepointed.
-Game concept is unexciting and feels 'half-baked', its just a really bad game that should never have been made, feels like a college kid's project, easily one of the worst game mechanic & strategy designs ive ever seen in 30 years of gaming.
-Betting $10 bucks at a time to aquire thosands of dollars of your opponents money is a time-sink grind using the Martingale betting system, but is the only way to guarentee a 100% win, making the game quite boring with very little endorphine payoff. And because of this, the game has nothing to offer, other than ruining a thousand hours of humanity's time.


For additional game reviews please visit: http://steamproxy.net/id/LordOfDarkFlame/recommended/
2018년 5월 18일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 6월 5일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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2018년 5월 27일 오전 9시 54분 에 개발자가 답변함 (답변 보기)
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기록상 10.7시간
(Review in Construction during Playthru)

-Last 10 levels easier than the middle of the game, therefore slight balance issue.
-Has a new system of capping how many resources you can have at once which is unfair and annoying to game with.
+/-Some levels more challanging than ever before in the series, but in a more tedious design.
+More game levels than in any of the previous games.
+Added a few new mechanics to the game within some levels, which is enjoyable and the right direction the devs need to take the series.
2018년 5월 18일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 5월 19일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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