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Postat: 16 febr. 2023 la 17:45
Actualizat: 19 febr. 2023 la 19:36

Game played out more Indie than expected.
Turn-based fighting genre with short text dialog, with 'Oregon Trail' events, including chose your own adventure decision options. The decisions were not always game-changing even though the developers market it as such.
Story was interesting, but not well explained or thought out to create engaging lore.
Game & fighting mechanics could have been explained better.
Special Attacks did friendly fire damage and was annoying, discouraging the player from wanting to use them.
Item Trinkets were a welcomed addition but came with issues: Game was too short for characters to level up and use them. When a character leaves the party you lose the item permanently. If the character leaves the party temporary, you lose the item temporary preventing the player to continue to use the item on another character, which is not fair.
The game auto balances the enemy strength regardless how strong you become from making smart decisions, making it a continuous grind.
The game plays very slow and drags. There is no fast travel, no skip scene options, forcing the player to just start at the screen of a moving caravan army for 5 mins at a time.
The foundation of the game is great and there is something special that can be created from it if the developers continued to develop it more expansively, but as is, without the game dragging it's actually a short game. Looking forward to playing the 2nd Game now.
Ending was bitter sweet and very short. The Ending's story built up a lot of big mystery but ended up not even panning out at the end, making the storyline a bunch of non-sense BS. The 2 biggest Antagonists didn't even have a chance to show up at the ending, making me raise an eyebrow to what the Devs were thinking. Maybe they ran out of time & resources and had to wrap it up? But it's disrespectful to the player's time investing into the game.
I enjoyed the party customization as that is something i love in videogames, although very basic in this case.
Tons of characters, but mostly get unused due to unbalanced issues and not enough upgrade points & gameplay to even consider using them.
-Enjoyable art design, lacking voice acting which would have been a beautiful addition to the game.

Overall i enjoyed the game and Nordic atmosphere & theme.
I would have enjoyed more lore and the player engaging the lore within gameplay, creating more fun.
I would be happy to pay $3 for this game on sale, at that price-point definitely worth the investment and time to play.
Although i enjoyed playing the game, i would not recommend it to others as there is not enough "game" here to justify someone investing their time to rush out and play this.

So i loaded up the 2nd game, and it turns out the storyline continues, and even better by surprise, you can import your party & items into the 2nd game!!
Happy to discover this and starting the playthrough of the 2nd game now.
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