Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
14/51 (27%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Amateur Bard

Collect your first musical instrument! Keep playing, even when everyone begs you to stop.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.10

Perfectly Generic Achievement

Obtain the mythical perfectly generic item.
Avattu 5.7.2019 klo 8.42

Just like mum used to make!

Practice your chef skills. Try not to harm anyone.
Avattu 7.7.2019 klo 18.29

First Mate

Recruit your first crew member. Captain!
Avattu 4.8.2016 klo 23.17

Monster Whisperer

Capture a monster. How does it fit in that tiny ball?
Avattu 5.7.2019 klo 8.31

Book Club

Find a Codex. On Earth it's rude to read other people's diaries.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.55

Augmented Reality

Augment your EPP. Now it's an AEPP.
Avattu 8.7.2019 klo 15.17

Adventurer Eventuality

Complete a quest! Joke's on you, there isn't any XP in this game.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.08

The Hopeful

Fix your ship.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 22.03

Congratulations on Your Graduation!

Survive the Protectorate. It could have been worse.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.08

The Wanderer

Meet Esther.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.46

Not a Llama

Obtain a complete alpaca costume. Use it only for good!
Avattu 4.8.2016 klo 22.48

Protected Protector

Obtain an entire set of armour. Now use dye to make your armour fabulous.
Avattu 25.7.2016 klo 2.39

The Simple Life

Harvest a crop. See what happens when you eat it.
Avattu 24.7.2016 klo 21.14


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