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게시 일시: 2023년 8월 10일 오후 6시 12분
업데이트됨: 2023년 8월 10일 오후 6시 23분

yeah OW1 was better cuz there was no Battle pass, no paid PvE, u could get free loot boxes etc. I'd rather spend 20€ and be able to get free cosmetics than play for free and pay for skins, but still, I dunno why y'all hate this game / blizzard, it's WAAAY BETTER game than tf2, also I dunno why it is on steam. Tbh I don't care, I just like this game
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White Wolf 2023년 8월 10일 오후 11시 13분 
I think it's more about Blizzard's behavior, I mean the reason why OW 2 was made was because PvE was supposed to be in the game and ended up being kicked making OW 2 a worse version (in my eyes) than the previous game only with lots of microtransactions. Recent decisions also show that Blizzard is a bit confused about what to do ($6M to withdraw from OW League, switch to Steam, etc.) However, I agree with you that OW 1 was a better game, as well as that even though I'm having fun in TF2, but when I played OW 1 it was a bit more fun and it was such a breath of fresh air. Ending this monologue from what you wrote, you enjoy the game, great, but it's also worth reading other people's reviews, because in total Blizzard gave the "green light" to comment on the game.
Have a nice day.