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게시 일시: 2018년 5월 17일 오전 11시 41분

What was I expecting when picking up a game like that? Well something close to puzzle agent or Sam and Max, style game. I have never been so wrong in my life. Imagine cozy evenings with your friends playing point and click adventure, trying to discover ways to solve the puzzles, follow the story, enjoy visuals and music.
The strongest part of this game was how the end of the story made me hanging for more and hungry for another game. The comedy style is childish, but that's what it makes this game briliant. Furthermore, game brings out this genre's full potential, relying on puzzles, story telling and visual/music effects, which makes user fully dive into the game.
To add even more, the character developement is spectacular. Rufus, an egoist who still appeals likeable to audience is a perfect example. There are characters which have very strong personalities which shine very bright with the game's theme and idea
8.7/10 - Leauy
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