
Recensioni recenti di Lazer Cut

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What's roleplay? What's in-universe consistency?

In this DLC you very quickly become the Overboss of Nuka World, which is composed of three raider gangs. This is a bit similar to how you suddenly become the general of the Minutemen, only that this time there are actual people to "lead". However, these are raider gangs, and they are evil, there's little "grey-grey" morality which makes one sympathise with them. They're portrayed as slavers who enjoy keeping decapitated heads in their bedrooms. You can choose between helping the gangs or just kill them all but then also effectively kill the questline. If you help them, then at the end you can start going into the Commonwealth to start raiding settlements. So you, as the General of the Minutemen, a Good faction, will start leading raids for an Evil raider faction. And this makes sense how?

As far as I'm aware, there's no way to rehabilitate the raiders either. So you're stuck with playing an evil character if you want to do the quests. This is in direct conflict with how the core game makes you play where you have to play as a good character, and to me, this inconsistency ruins any attempts at roleplaying. I can't believe in the game world or even my own character.

Maybe some people see an appeal in this DLC. It's good if you're an evil character, but since core F04 don't really let's you play as one, chances are you aren't. I think the scenery and location is good, also I guess there's some cool new weapons.

Overall, I only have a few hours in Nuka World, and I already lost my interest due to the aforementioned problems. 3/10
Pubblicata in data 11 gennaio 2020.
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23.5 ore in totale
Being a space sim fan, I bought this game on 80% sale. It's a good game, but I quickly got tired of its repetive gameplay, and lack of tactical options. All mission are mostly either; "Go here and use the context menu to either board or scan," or "Destroy this thing/ship(s),"

The controls are very good. I like the context menu and the tactical overlay immensely, also the directional shield and turret system is pretty cool. It's also a good feature to be able to switch around the power, but I'm a bit confused to as why putting turret power to 100% would still keep both shields and propulsion up. There needs to be a bigger tradeoff here. The fast travel function "Power To Engines," also makes no sense as manually putting power to engines in addition to the the PTE function will make PTE calculate its speed of the speed you have with manual power to engines.

You can't have a fleet in this game, you can hire mercenaries, but they only follow you, and you can't edit their layour or anything. The only craft you can micromanage the layout on is your active ship. Being an X3 TC/AP veteran with over 500 hours down, this is an immense let down. There's a special feeling to owning a whole fleet and micromanaging your empire from light years away. Sure, it's easier and more newbie friendly to not have, but I always loved the ambition you could have in X3.

The game is streamlined and I didn't encounter any bugs. It does take a few shortcuts to avoid bugs, like having no collision(even though one achievement is to collide), and just spawning fighters outside the carrier instead of having them launch from actual bays. There's also the whole fact that enemies seems to just randomly spawn just outside scanner range. It doesn't make believe a living galaxy.

There's no economy that I got aware of. No actual factories that produce stuff, prices of commodities are made by randomly generated events of their productions company, and serve no other purpose than to add flavor and be something you can trade with.

The item system is okay, it doesn't feel as a sim, and it creates an arcade feel that I don't like too much to be honest, but adding them does give some more tactical flexibility and interesting gameplay.

I also feel as if things are too small. Carriers feel like corvettes if you compare to X3, and a typical carrier carries 100 troopers vs the 30 of gunship. It doesn't make too much sense.

To sum up, it's a good well designed game, but lacks depth. Good for maybe 20-30 hours,

Pubblicata in data 6 aprile 2016.
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