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Recent reviews by Layalinn

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116.6 hrs on record (25.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its not perfect by any means, but I'm having a good time with it, experimenting with different builds and learning the areas, and bosses. I think Itemization needs a bit of work, whether through gear or currency.

Expecting the game to be perfect is unrealistic. Its a live service game that hasn't even fully released yet. Give proper, productive feedback. (Not whining and complaining)
On the other hand, don't feel pressured to play just because of the hype. If you don't want to pay the $30 for early access for a game that is incomplete, wait until full release.
Posted 10 December, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Really Enjoyed the Beta, and I've been enjoying what it has to offer on release. Probably the best iteration of CoD in recent memory.
Posted 25 October, 2024.
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242.5 hrs on record (226.2 hrs at review time)
Not for the feint of heart. From Soft doesn't pull its punches in difficult gameplay. Nor should they. There are plenty of games out there, if you don't like the difficulty, either get better at the game through practicing like everyone else or go play a different game.
Posted 26 June, 2024.
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80 people found this review helpful
1,897.2 hrs on record (1,743.3 hrs at review time)
I don't have any problems with CS2's lack of variety in map pool and game mode, nor do I really mind graphical updates. FPS drops don't affect me with my higher end computer. With the updates, this game feels a lot more like CS:GO than it did a couple months ago.

The issue with the game is the massive infestation of hackers. Premier, Competetive, High Trust Factor, Low Trust Factor, Prime, Not Prime. You are likely to encounter someone using hacks in AT LEAST 1 in 2 games, if you're lucky.
I've checked in on some of these cheaters, months later, and they still haven't been banned.

Don't play CS2 until the hacking problem is resolved. Not worth your time.
Posted 15 March, 2024.
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91.7 hrs on record (7.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Best with friends! Love this game!
Do everything for The Company!
Posted 19 November, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Get some friends, Buy this game.. Its literally 1$. And just have some fun with it!
Movement is great, graphics are actually really good, and the chaos that ensues is well worth the price.
Just needs better server side hit recognition as someone can melee you without even being next to you.
Posted 19 May, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
52.8 hrs on record (23.6 hrs at review time)
I'm 20ish hours into the game and honestly haven't had any major issues. I've had a few frame drops, but nothing as massive as most people. My game has not crashed on me once, and I've experienced exactly 0 game breaking bugs.

I understand that a lot of people are having issues with the game and my review does not discount those issues, so I hope that it can get fixed for them sooner rather than later.

I-7 12700K
Geforce RTX 3080
32GB Ram
Windows 10
Posted 1 May, 2023. Last edited 1 May, 2023.
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183.2 hrs on record (98.7 hrs at review time)
Despite all the bugs and performance issues seen by most people, the game itself is awesome! If you own a computer that can actually run the game properly, you’ll find a beautifully made world with lots to do. I easily sunk 50 hours into the game the first week it was out and another 50 in the weeks following.

The game has its issues, as do most games and sadly some of those issues have made it unplayable for a large portion of people. Nevertheless It will remain as one of my favorite games that despite having all achievements, makes me feel as if they’re is still more to the world to discover and do.
Posted 19 May, 2021.
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74.2 hrs on record (65.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly, I love the game, I love playing it with my buddies, but I think that there have been mistakes made in recent updates. They have taken Duo Queue for NA Servers out of the game, which is a mistake on them. It limits their players to either playing alone or forcing 2 people to instead play with 2 random players that they don't know. This allows for it to be extremely hard as 2 players to play against groups of 4.
The Gunplay is awesome, the graphics are stunning.
But another issue that i've come across is that they are restricting gameplay to only one map. As many others have expressed, this allows the game to become repetitive and boring, losing players. Not to mention that many other players have payed for content that can only be used on a map that is hardly available anymore.
The game is great, but until they've fixed those two major issues, I don't see it ever picking back up, and I don't see me every playing it until it happens.
Posted 15 May, 2019.
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48.3 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As of right now, I absolutely love this game, even though the graphics aren't up to par with games that come out now and days, without the way they are now, it wouldn't be as good. I love that you have thirst and hunger, and also disease, but even better, that you can put up resistances to all three as you gain experience.
Another thing i really enjoy about this game, is the simplicity of the crafting, and that you can create about anything with it! Keep up the great work, i can't wait to see more as a Premium member!
Posted 3 February, 2015.
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