
Larrs22 の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:205.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:163.4時間)
Whether you plan on playing alone or with friends, this is an awesome game for having an evening of competitve or casual gameplay fun. And for such a good price for what you get, your money is well spent. Definitely worth a buy!

Also, seeing the crap going on lately with microtransactions in other games, it's nice to know Rocket League's devs know the RIGHT way to include such a policy in a game.
投稿日 2016年7月3日. 最終更新日 2017年11月23日
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I found it to be a unique experience, and it was fun. The price, I'll admit, is a little steep. However, I'm not reviewing the price-making decisions of Big Robot, but rather their game. It really is a fun game. I would most definitely recommend playing it!
投稿日 2016年7月2日.
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総プレイ時間:165.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:87.9時間)
It's Dayz. Of course it's amazing. However, having bought and played the game since it's release, as well as the original mod version quite obsessively, I can say that I'm beginning to wonder about it. I know that it is an early release and that's completely fine with me. The problem I'm beginning to have with this standalone is that it doesn't seem to be going anywhere; it doesn't seem like it will ever leave the realm of early-release. Besides the barrage of random clutter items and the increase of buildings on the already more than detailed Chernarus map, I barely notice much of a difference in the game since it's first day of early-access release, which was back in December of last year. The same exact bugs still plague the gameplay, the spawns are still messed up, and the zombies have yet to appear as more than buggy, eagle-eyed nuisances who can walk through walls. By now, I was expecting at least the major bugs to be gone, which yeah, some have, but there are still so many, and it appears the developers are more concerned about adding more items to hit people with than with fixing them. Don't get me wrong, it's still a great game and will last for hours of fun, but at the current moment (and for awhile longer, it seems), people are better off playing the mod to get the full experience of Dayz (unless, of course, you're one of those people who just loves pointing out problems to devs of early-access games, than this is just what you're looking for). Playing the standalone to actually play Dayz is just not worth it YET; that will most definitely change in the hopefully near future. Consequently, I'd definitely suggest purchasing it when it becomes the true Dayz that we Dayz veterans started out on. I just wish I knew when that was. Just gotta wait...
投稿日 2014年8月9日.
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