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14 people found this review helpful
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7.5 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Story is great, which is what almost everybody who played the game would agree on, and I don't wanna sound like a broken record here, so I'll just point out something that's usually omitted in most positive reviews:
Although the theme about time and space and all that are pretty great, the story is presented in a very confusing way. During my 7-hour first playthrough, I spent more than 70% of the time not knowing what was going on. You started out not knowing what this bounty hunting job was all about, and ended up confused as to how any of this could have happened in the first place... Or maybe I'm just dumb, in which case please forget about what I just said lol. However, for me personally, the cutscenes were still fun and intriguing to watch even though I didn't understand a damn thing...

Gameplay (mostly gunplay) is decent overall. I'm a glutton for shooter games, so I played mostly without all the fancy abilities, and I liked the gunplay quite a lot. One thing worth mentioning is that the more I played, the less excited I was for a good fight. There is really not much variation to the gameplay, so I would say the gameplay is the most engaging at the start, and will likely become less and less so as you progress through the game. Enemies may get super tanky in the later stage of the game, so be prepared to shoot your LMG aimlessly (pun intended) at a pillar-sized target and watching his health bar dropping at 0.0001cm/s.

To be very honest, the PC mouse&keyboard controls are pretty trash, and you are given very few options to customize your controls. You can't really blame the game for that because it was released 5 years ago - it can't be perfect by today's standards. So again instead of judging the game, I just want you to know what kind of problems you may run into when playing. Things that I found annoying include: 1) mouse sensitivity is significantly lower when you are sprinting; 2) sometimes you press [shift] and the character just doesn't sprint if this happens to you when you are being chased by some giant machine, good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ luck, gotta mash [shift] several times; 3) can only toggle (can't hold) sprint/aim down sight/crouch, etc.; 4) cannot adjust aim down sight sensitivity; 5) any action that requires you to hold some key may randomly stop working usually at the most inopportune moment;

User Interface is not user-friendly. Among all the games I've ever played, this game has the most confusing navigation mechanics especially when you are near the skylines , not to mention that at some point in the story, there is just straight up no navigation at all, which I suspect may be a glitch. If I'm not wrong, there is no map or mini map, either.

Performance-wise: running on my beast desktop with i7-8700k and 1080, game crashed twice, glitched once the last enemy was invisible (probably stuck somewhere) and I couldn't end the combat and had to restart . And I also had some stuttering and FPS drops in the early stage of the game.

I don't know why I'm still giving it a positive review after complaining so much about it. It's hard to say; I actually still had quite a stunning experience with this game despite all the issues, for some reasonI finished the game basically in one sitting - couldn't really stop, and I by no means would advise you against trying it out. I think it will still be worth your money and time, especially if you are an FPS lover, too.
Posted 10 August, 2018. Last edited 10 August, 2018.
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10.1 hrs on record
They kept this prequel at the same level as the sequel in terms of quality, although not so much in quantity, especially with the very hasty conclusion in this game.

In case you haven't played Life is Strange, there really is nothing more to this game than the story, Don't get me started on the graphics and animation. and it is as well written as the sequel, plus sophisticated major characters which wouldn't make your choices too easy. One of the many things I love about this game, and its sequel, is the revelation of another side of a character after the point where you have probably formed a one-sided judgement for him.

The only thing that I can possibly hate about this game is it being too short, because I had expected a lot more.

While the first two episodes are intricate and well-designed, leaving you wanting to find out all the mysteries left unsolved, the final episode seems too short and rushy - it could have been well extended to two episodes instead. A lot of details that I'd expected were missing: Story between Frank and Damon? Romantic relationship between Frank and Rachel? And how exactly did Rachel just decide to leave Chloe behind and pursue photography with Jefferson which seemed completely irrelevant to her whole experience? Any more attempts from Rachel to find her birth mother, or did she just give up that easily (James said she was that type that nothing could stop)? Nothing more about Chloe's pursuer Eliot? (I hope I even spelt his name right.) I didn't even realize that Episode 3 was already the final episode when I was watching the final cutscenes, as much as I absolutely loved the very last scene where Rachel had missed 17 phone calls from Chloe and been busy with stuff that eventually got herself killed... It's a shame to know from the very start of this game that she would die.

It's pretty annoying to finish the game without having discovered the resolution for every conflict the previous two episodes posted. That aside, this is an amazing experience.

Still waiting for that bonus episode...although I wouldn't expect it to answer some more questions about the main story plot since it is going to be about Max and Chloe's childhood.
Posted 11 February, 2018.
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69.9 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
Best Hack&Slash. Invigorating.

Full of content, secrets, unlockables. Great diversity of weapons, combos, items, accessories, special torture attacks, and 3 Playable Characters (not just swapping models), and a lot more. There are a lot of different ways and styles to beat this game that you can choose from.

The quantity of content by itself is worth a lot more than it costs, not to mention the great quality.

Unique cutscene style. Theatrical (in an artistic sense) acting and actions in the cutscenes and the gameplay, respectively, by the beautiful female protagonist. and one of the antagonists :D This is absolutely art.

No wonder.
Remove Chapter XIV Isla del Sol for 100/10 :D
Posted 14 December, 2017. Last edited 29 December, 2017.
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53 people found this review helpful
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14.6 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
This is the best game of the year to me personally.

I broke my heart playing this game. In my opinion, the psychological horror (the loneliness, desolation, silence, fear, hopelessness, despair...etc.) is way better than the "real" terror like zombies...uh...if you know what I mean Not that I want to mention it here, I hate Resident Evil 7 :D. And Senua's heartbreaking preseverance and struggle, which spurred her to fight an unwinnable battle, against the invincible Norse Gods, against her psychotic self... All of those things really catch your heart, and then break it.

The atmosphere is rendered to its best! Please listen to them, have your headphones on when playing this game. Those whispering voices, sometimes encouraging, sometimes annoying and I almost wanted to yell STFU to them because I was so scared, lost, annoyed, and desperate at that part of the game, would literally put you into Senua's place...and...enjoy the fear :D That feeling...is just unforgettable to me. I almost had another mental breakdown playing this game, so...be careful :D

The swordfights are awesome, too, although the battles are really not the point of this game. Well, the point is the psychological horror and atmosphere, if you haven't got what I mean. Nothing too difficult Although this game is said to have a permanent death system, I don't think it exists.(correct me if I'm wrong), the battle mechanics is very simple and traditional Light attack, strong attack, evasion, parry, perfect parry, bullet time, but the motion and sound effects are smooth and realistic, respectively. However, if you insist on finding an invigorating fight like you had in DMC (Ninja Theory also made DmC: Devil May Cry, though), I wouldn't recommend you look for it in this game, but I would still recommend you this game for other reasons :D

About the Norse Mythology theme, I can't love it more. I don't think we've ever had a game of norse theme like this, have we? The settings of the game are the best as they really reconstruct how the Norse world should look like. Beautiful graphics, beautiful landscape. I'm sure you will enjoy the ancient and vast wilderness even if you don't know anything about the mythology. And there are the Lorestones (collectibles) telling you the ancient and mysterious Norse stories.

I hope I didn't enjoy this game merely because of my mental issues that have enabled me to have that empathy with Senua. I can't say much about it, but I wish everybody could enjoy this game and understand the true beauty of this fearful but pleasant and refreshing mental journey.
Posted 26 November, 2017. Last edited 26 November, 2017.
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1.8 hrs on record
Keep pressing Space until the game is over and you're all set. 100% Achivement, Yey!

If that's not your goal, I wouldn't recommend this game, EVER.
Let's talk about it a little bit in depth.

1 whiny and meddlesome girl who loves to poke her nose into others' business and gets angry all the time for nothing;
1 unrealistically genius and ostentatious girl who gets perfect scores all the time, whose family is super rich so that she skips almost every class and wouldn't get into trouble, who has everything you dream of, and of course according to cliche this perfect lonely girl must have a sympathetic family, which is mentioned but not explored whatsoever in the story. (Then what's explored in the story, you might ask? Well, see below for story.)

Story: (Spoiler Alert? Nah, I don't think so.)
Everything begins with that Nosy girl chasing that Class Skipper girl every day.
Day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day...
And all of a sudden...BOOOO! they got into a relationship! Wooooo!
Who knows how? They just got together! Nobody tells you how!
You have no idea how embarrassed I was and how much I wanted to close the game (if not for the full achievement I absolutely would have) when I had to go through the cooked-up conversations.
Besides, as I mentioned before, I was expecting, at least, the game to tell me something about the tragic past of the second girl in other ways (of course she refused to talk about it during conversations), but it didn't. Should've known that better *sigh*
By the way, there's only this one ending. Nothing involves your choice. All you need to do is to sit and click your mouse like a robot.

Other Notes:
Approximate Gameplay Time: < 2 Hours How much does the game cost, by the way?
Game Arts and Graphics: It was ONLY them two characters, and they didn't go to too many places. I can't say too much about the art style, which depends heavily on personal preferences, but I can tell you the CGs are SUPER DUPER REPETITIVE.
Music: Didn't leave me an impression. So, whatever.

I really don't get some of the Japanese Animes and their fans now...
Why would people even like this sort of made-up BS...
Well...If you just wanna watch two girls doing those guilty pleasure things, I have to admit that's my initial intention, but the worst game experience ever COMPLETELY deprives you of the guilty pleasure of watching Yuri.you can give it a try, though.
Posted 25 August, 2017. Last edited 25 August, 2017.
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7 people found this review helpful
13.9 hrs on record
只能说啊 这游戏太叼了 太叼了
我连续玩了13个小时直接全成就通关了...中间都没有休息过 就一直玩... 就停不下来
好久没这么肝过游戏了 还竟然是国产游戏·-· 真的强!

首先主要是UI做得漂亮 字体什么的看着就很舒服 给人的第一印象就很好 后续玩起来也很舒服

解谜挺有意思的 有些排列顺序还有点难度后期逻辑推理小谜题 有点测智商的小游戏的感觉 也设计的挺精妙的233 竟然逼我拿出了纸和笔打草稿 我高考都没有这么认真233
个人感觉有一个很大的问题就是 部分选项的顺序有点无厘头 我猜出了顺序之后 有了结果再回头去看选项的顺序 还是觉得逻辑上有些奇怪 或者说是这个顺序不足以改变什么(当然你要说蝴蝶效应强行解释我也没办法) 但这样有些逻辑上的bug的话 让推理玩家非常迷茫 前期的题还好 我觉得逻辑都没问题 越到后面有些东西越离谱 猜出了答案也完全没想法 在这方面体验有点差
再者某些角色的某些结局无法解锁 竟然要回到很久以前的选项修改结局 有提示的还好 没提示的鬼想得到啊(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ 不看攻略我感觉就完全没想法...

剧情的话 越到后面越错综复杂 因果关系 蝴蝶效应之类的 一开始感觉完全不相干的两个人到最后互相影响这种设定总会给人一种惊喜的感觉 所有角色交集在一起 很吸引人 越玩越停不下来啊 如果你能记住一些比较无关紧要的配角的名字的话 会发现有更多人物之间互相牵扯的彩蛋 游戏体验更佳
至于一些敏感话题和血腥暴力 我个人没什么意见 反映的问题也比较现实 毕竟这也不是个傻白甜游戏 世态万千 但是如果很介意这方面的事情的话 还是不要入比较好
多多少少涉及的敏感话题和血腥暴力包括但不限于(因为我记不住了233):师生恋 黑帮地下交易 人贩子交易 人棍 酷刑 恋童癖 虐童 强奸 变态杀人犯 分尸 男性割礼(有什么别的更好的词吗...) 挖眼球 断肢 各种人体残缺等等
另外某两位主角题材让大家有些争议 这个是事实 接受不了的话不建议入手 因为这两位戏份还是很大的 其次这条线剧情狗血 也没什么好洗的...确实很狗血...三流言情小说里的东西该出现的都出现了 看得我鸡皮疙瘩一阵一阵的
有些配角在接近尾声时突然出现 并且带来一段经典的狗血过去 然后等他的剧情过了之后他又偷偷消失了没个交代 这样的设定让人觉得有些不舒服

画风无可挑剔 该美的美 该帅的帅 该可爱的可爱 那个...全程沉迷墨西哥小姐姐 Sombra是你吗
无法自拔这种事情 我怎么好意思说出来啊!

BGM优秀 非常应景 到了一些感人的环节 配上CG 其实挺催泪的 虽然我玩的时候并没有哭 但我感觉还是有相当大的震撼的233 可惜商店里卖的OST只有几首歌啊...我最喜欢的几首墨西哥BGM都不在ಥ_ಥ

哦对了还有配音 虽然不多 基本上就是收到信的时候说那么几句话 但是还很用心的让每个角色讲自己的本国语言 啊 这个设定真的是太棒了 尽管没有几句话 但还是让我感受到了满满的诚意和亲切 我好久没听到过西班牙语了 更没想到这次竟然会在国产游戏里听到 感动到落泪ಥ_ಥ 我的情怀加分233
当然实际上游戏里涉及到的国家(地区)只有:中国 香港 墨西哥 韩国(是不是还有俄罗斯) 日本(好像不太有存在感呢) 并且也有玩家提到对其他文化刻画不符合现实 大家自行斟酌233

( ´_ゝ`) 差不多就这些了 总体来说还是必须推荐的 值得一玩 绝对不只是因为国产情怀·-·
Will: A Wonderful World 你 值得拥有 _(:3」∠)_
Posted 16 June, 2017. Last edited 17 June, 2017.
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0.7 hrs on record
This thumb down is directed only against the Open Beta.

The optimization is awful, which most of you must've heard about in others' reviews. It can't run 60 fps consistently on GTX 1080 8GB and i7 7700k (ON LOWEST QUALITY), swinging between 40-60fps and most of the time 50+ fps.

Besides, I don't know if it's just me, or it's a common problem, since I haven't seen anybody mentioning its mouse&keyboard support on PC. My keyboard frequently acts up during gameplay (no matter what I press, it doesn't respond at all) , and I need to go to desktop then go back to game to solve the malfunction, and in less than two minutes, the problem recurs; you can imagine how annoying this is. But I'm not sure if it's my computer's glitch or it's the game's because I've never had such problems before. Just saying, so you know what you may be confronting when playing this beta.

I've also tried Xbox One Controller. It works well most of the time, MOST of the time.

Another trivial but really annoying problem is, there will always be a lag upwards of 2 seconds before you succeed in opening your map or menu, as if the game's crashed.

Can't say too much about the gameplay itself since it's been ruined by the unpleasant experience I mentioned above.

But so far, I have to admit the game may have great potential: open world, variability of customization, the sense of identification of a sniper, mostly realistic I should say. Yea it's gonna be great, probably, if and when the glitches are fixed.
Posted 4 February, 2017. Last edited 4 February, 2017.
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8 people found this review helpful
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20.0 hrs on record
Remember Me

Overall: 8/10 - It's worth trying
Keep going if you wanna find out more! :D

Story: 9/10
The originality of the game is amazing, including the theme of the Memories, the Future and the Humanity; it must be your type if you're interested in such genres. Besides, I really appreciate that they put a lot of effort in designing a holistic world view for this game. You would agree with me if you check out carefully the Mnesist (Official Collectible Documents) in this game. The details contained are exhaustive enough to recount a complete story, and in the meantime they also correlate and interrelate with each other. You'll get to know everything about the things and persons you've encountered and will encounter through reading those documents, and then you'll be admiring the elaborate settings of this game. Same as what IGN says about it, AMBITIOUS IDEAS.
The story is hardly defective, except that some part of the plot might seem a little bit too feigned and even ridiculous, to be honest.

Actions: 4.5/10
Seriously, this game is tagged Hack & Slash. While I may have to agree on that, I feel like the Blow Feedback of Remember Me is probably the worst I've seen so far. I felt that it was okay, acceptable at the start of it, but once I reached Chapter 4 or 5, it wasn't anymore. Nilin's Melee Moves felt so much like Tango Steps, in my opinion, especially in the later stage of the game when the enemies are enhanced and featured; I hardly feel that it's a combat anymore. I don't know, but that's really how I felt, and it almost became a torture for me to stick it out to Chapter 8(fin). I might have closed the game and thrown it into the "NEVER PLAY" Group of my library if not for that I felt like it was so coercive that I completed the game.
And the design of the chains of the moves is not very successful, because in the end you'll find Triple Strike (the first chain you could use in the game) most practicable.

Graphics: 7.5/10
Poor texture mapping causes unnatural facial expressions and robotically stiff combat moves (that's also one of the reasons why the Blow Feedback feels flabby and impotent), even in CGs (or Real Time Renderding).
Despite the flaws in character graphics, the scenery of Neo-Paris in 2084 is unquestionably beautiful. I'm not an expert and I don't know why there could be such a huge technical gap between character map and landscape map.

Special Content: 10/10
Everybody remembers Memory Remix in this game, the best feature of the game. It also requires a little effort to figure out the puzzle, and in the process of it, you can trigger a lot of different conversations or something like that, but in order to progress in the game, you will have to find the one and only outcome of this Memory Remix. I can't say too much lest I spit out spoilers :D but surely you'll recognize the fun.
Also the game has included some stealth content, try it for yourself :D.

Conclusion: 8/10 - It's worth trying.
If you don't expect too much on its actions, it's definitely a good game for you; but if you really want to beat 'em up, go for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance :D I strongly recommend this game to those who want real Hack & Slash; but I guess the most important thing about Remember Me is the exquisite story, not the invigorating combat.
Posted 8 January, 2016.
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