Que'est-ce? Son Bernie   Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Send me a message it boosts my BERNIE.

hello im a cute BERNIE with a BERNIE avatar, i have nine BERNIEs on steam and i link my equally as degenerate BERNIE on my profile with a BERNIE heart

BERNIE is minimalistic and BERNIE, if you insult BERNIE, i'll BERNIE you and then bask in my BERNIE glory

i am a BERNIE with no ambitions, my parents hate BERNIE, i dropped out of BERNIE school, and im a self proclaimed BERNIE, but i never express it

my favorite five groups are "/BERNIE/ is for BERNIE", "sad sleepy BERNIE", "BERNIE forever", "thigh high lolis" and a group where the only members are BERNIE, set to BERNIE only

my BERNIE backgrounds are BERNIE and BERNIE, and only 12 cents and maybe even 12 dollars if people try to copy me

my significant BERNIE is monotoned, yet BERNIE sounding, anorexic, and shy, we sleep skype together and go on BERNIE dates, i love them so much as i hug my BERNIE's ipad tightly, drifting away at 2 am.

Online relationships are BERNIE.

How many of you BERNIEs have been in online relationships, with promises of hopes and BERNIE dreams. You imagine yourselves together and moving between state (or country LOL). You think to yourself "This person with a BERNIE avatar is the one i'm going to spend the rest of my BERNIE with".

Is BERNIE socially and economically well off?
Does BERNIE hold careers or have skills that you can make an affordable wage?
Does BERNIE really trust each other enough to not think they're cheating every 5 minutes?
Is BERNIE willing to make sacrifices to your free time to work extra or finish school?

Well, just know that it's most likely not going to BERNIE.
hype 17 พ.ย. 2020 @ 9: 49pm 
Dennis Pogger 1 พ.ค. 2012 @ 11: 41am 