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6 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
I've played several escape room style games on Steam and this is a great one.

The controls are good (unlike in some others), the puzzles are nice and it actually feels like an escape room.

The only downsize I had with this one was about one optional puzzle. Delivering the package to the library, I thought the first room with bunch of books was it and left the package there, which would not have been a problem if it was possible to return to there once you reach the library/finish the library to get it back.

Posted 18 August, 2024.
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5.1 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Playing this co-op with a friend so my review is based on that experience.

The co-op feels really janky and glued on feature, especially in the world map, but in the escapes it's ok, there is a split screen option, where you can see both your and the other players view, so there really isn't much need to have any notes on puzzles if your friend is looking some instruction else where in the room. But this split screen feature also kinda removes any real reason to communicate heavily and for that sort of thing I'd go for the "We were here" series.

Playing co-op also probably cuts down the required time to complete each escape by significant amount of time since most of the rooms are non-linear so both can do their own thing.

The setting menu is bare minimum but I'd really like to have more options for mouse, it feels like there is mouse acceleration on and when you zoom in on a puzzle, it's like going into CS:GO sniper sensitivity and realllly have to drag the cursor over to get anything done. This is my main issue with the game.

Also at least in co-op mode, the game screen gets stuck sometimes after getting thru a room and need to restart the game.

Overall I'd probably enjoy this most as a single player experience and don't feel this is that well suited for co-op
Posted 19 November, 2022.
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17.4 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Not that far in the game, maybe 7-8 missions, but I like the ability to level up skills and get better tools.

What I might like is painting being bit more challenging, like you'd have to move the furniture out of the way but otherwise so far it's been one of those Zen games where you just chill and feel like you've accomplished something else then sitting in front of the PC and doing real things :D
Posted 18 May, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
Solid representation of a traditional Finnish summer outdoors game with bottles instead and also with added game modes.
Posted 30 April, 2018.
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0.5 hrs on record
This game is super awesome in pretty much every way. Play it! NOW!
Posted 8 May, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
The puzzles aren't great, the writing and dialogue aren't great, the minigames are kinda ok but the plot is pure wtf.
I recommend this one just for the plot and the game looks kinda nice. Too bad they didn't go as far with all the being inside others head as Psychonauts did (play that game if you haven't already, it's pure gold).
Posted 8 May, 2015.
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351.0 hrs on record (188.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The bicycle bell works flawlessly.

This game has loads of issues and while it's still in beta it's been in the open for about a year now and there are still fundamental core elements missing/not functioning the way you would assume they would.

Currently my main problem is the sound issue. The weapon sounds are quite low overall (except plane bombs) but that I can tolerate, the thing that is unacceptable is that if you get hit, the weapon that hit you doesn't make a sound. So when you get shot from behind you have no idea if it was a sniper 300m away or someone right behind you.

My other main mechanical issue is character control when using toggles on aims up,prone, crouch. When you run out of ammo and start yo reload, if you were toggled in aims up you stay toggled aim's up, which affects your move speed so if you want to move normally while reloading you have to untoggle the aiming. You can't go directly to crouch from prone. Toggles here also are a bit mess since you can have crouch and prone toggled simulatenously.

Some of the ribbon unlocks (sorts of perks) are unlocked in a bit strange way, like you get the perk to hijack tanks by not unlocking bunch of tanks, but by driving one. Also as you can only have one perk selected (two if you're a subscriber) most of the perks are totally useless and would do better being passive bonuses.

Changing gear in middle of match.... you have to disconnect from the game, do your changes in the main view and then reconnect to the match. Because you can't change gear/character in the game window a slot will be reserved for you for some time to do your stuff and join back in the game. Which means that if your team has ragequitters you're not gonna get replacements for those in few mins.

Now that the negative stuff is out of the way let's get to the positives.

I like how the weapons play and the need to grind weapons and badges gives you something other to focus on than just playing the game. So much more fun aiming for those headshots with sniper to progress Recon badge for that ultimate reward of having the badge that doesn't show you on kill cam. And unlocking upgrades to your weapon to make it more powerfull. Hint when grinding for money to buy upgrades.. just go pure melee, kill someone or get team mates dropped weapon and play. No repair costs!.

The maps are mostly nice, few maps have problematic starting spawns that enemy tanks usually spam (factory).

I feel that in every other fps I've played no matter how far an enemy is they are super easy to spot from the background. Not so in this. Even an enemy right next to you in a bush is really hard to spot unless you're really searching for them.

So recommend you give it a try and see if you like it.
Posted 29 April, 2015.
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8 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
+Art style is nice

Story is ok.

-Puzzles are too easy and the ones that might be at least a bit puzzling have solutions written somewhere in the level.
-Too short. Took something like 2 hours to complete it.

Can't recommend it with it's current price. Maybe once it goes -50% or lower would I recommend to give it a try.
Posted 10 March, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
60.7 hrs on record (52.7 hrs at review time)
I would like to love this game but as it is I just can't.
My 5th captain is quite far in the game and I got bunch of money, okay ship and some equipment.
My problem is that I either just continue grinding stuff with my current captain with no sight of any end (and slowly start to run out of any good quests to do and most likely run out of money after that) or I "sacrifice" my captain either by retiring (winning the game) or going for one of the other endings that unlock better stats permanently for my captains to come.... but my problem is that I don't want any of the endings.. the rewards are just so crappy compared to the time I've spent on getting as far as I've gotten.

TLDR; Take too darn long time to achieve anything worthwhile and because it takes so long the things you could gain are just meaningles because atleast I don't want to play the whole game again with marginally better stats in the beginning of the game.

+Nice world

-Too slow progress vs. the rewards you could get by achieving endings.

Posted 13 February, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
40.8 hrs on record (26.8 hrs at review time)
The most erotic connect three I've played. The only other game I can even remotely imagine to resemble this is Porntris.

+Solid gameplay
+Bunch of different girls with archetypes to present
+Nice voice acting
+Items with which you can try to do strategies in the connect 3 part of the game.
+RPG elements

-The final fdate with the girls. In theory just spamming connections without movelimits is fine but in execution it can get a bit annoying at times when you're just not finding connections fast enough and the gauge you need to fill keeps emptying all the time.
Posted 22 January, 2015.
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