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Nylige anmeldelser av Ainz

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110.0 timer totalt (109.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Watame did nothing wrong
Publisert 3. desember 2024.
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756.8 timer totalt (369.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Been playing this since its release on steam, it is a very decent gacha with good rates, a stupid amount of freebies, weekly tickets for pulls, events, good character design, superb music and engaging story
Publisert 22. november 2022.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
42.7 timer totalt (35.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Please step on me Akiha
Publisert 26. november 2021.
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49.8 timer totalt (9.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
One of the best exposers of the genre out there. What other titles somewhat achieve in meticulous ways, this title does it in the most simplistic form possible. World of Horror manage to deliver the experience of both Ito and Lovecraft's work, writing, ambience, characters and creatures are a tribute to these.

There isn't much to say about the gameplay, is you regular RPG, skill checks related to stats, turn based combat and exploration with random events, think of it as it would be another tabletop RPG.
Currently (as of 28/11/2020) there are two game modes, endless (self explanatory) in which you investigate -and fight- either until doom is at 100% or your stamina/reason reach 0 and classic, which is the normal experience, 5 cases to resolve and an endgame lighthouse. A third game mode is planned to be released in the future.

When it comes to graphics, as you can see, they're simple... and that's the charm of it IMHO. The uncanny valley can be felt anywhere, be it when interacting with "normal" people, the creatures or simply by exploring, the ambient it helps to build it's exceptional. As a plus, you can switch between colour palletes and 1 or 2-bits, so check 'em and find one that fit your taste.

The same as graphics, simple and effective. The OST and graphics go on par, you can simply lose yourself with these two. The ambience it creates helps a TON with the immersion, beautifully composed tunes that set the mood depending on the situation, but, this doesn't change the fact that even when at home, which is supposed to be safe heaven, you can still feel uneasy (tip: peek through the doorhole). You can say that the soundtrack was composed with -dread- and -despair- in mind, of course, doge shop and its theme is the real safe heaven.

Its worth the full price, there's a lot of content coming in the future, the creator did an excellent job recreating the source and it completely delivers.
BUT, would I recommend this game to anyone? No, of course not.
This title aside from being an RPG (and one heavily influenced by classic tabletops) it has two big names from the cosmic horror and mystery genres as base. If you're familiarized with Ito and/or Lovecraft works give it a go, you'll enjoy it... a lot. If not and you like horror or want to get started, I recommend you to go and read Uzumaki (which I consider Ito's masterpiece) and/or The Call of Cthulhu (Lovecraft), either of these are good to get into their respective universe and consequently this game.

Hopefully this will help you at least a tiny bit to decide whether or not to get the game. GLHF and don't forget to praise our lord and saviour Cthulhu
Publisert 28. november 2020. Sist endret 28. november 2020.
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7.2 timer totalt
Trine 4 goes back to the whole 2.5D or sidescroll-esque gameplay for the better but still has some of the mechanics seen in the third installment. Nothing much to say about this one, if you liked 1 and 2 but didnt like that much 3 you will definitively love this one, beautiful graphics and scenery and more importantly, fun, play with friends and you're guaranteed to laugh A LOT
Publisert 29. november 2019.
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8,439.6 timer totalt (6,463.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert 21. november 2018. Sist endret 29. juni 2019.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
59.9 timer totalt (55.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ahh one of my all time favourites, how couldn't I recommend such a great title?. If you are into anime you've probably heard about the adaptation of this novel, well, if you've seen that adaptation already and didn't like it because it was either rushed or it had some plot holes here and there you might want to check the original source of the whole series. Or if you liked the adaptation (why not, it wasn't that bad) you should pick this one up, every single character will have a deep development while the story goes on. I have to admit it had some issues at launch but those were fixed asap, now let's just jump to the pros/cons (more like pros, I don't really see a cons)


- One of those S rank ports, the game runs smooth af
- Interesting story, with 2 more games ahead, novels and anime (which ended this arc)
- Character development done right, self explanatory
- Investigation, minigames and class trials mixed with VN style
- A lot of despair


- Hope.
- Danganronpa V3

Now seriously, there isn't any cons I can point to, it's a pretty solid port with no issues at all (at least for me).
Publisert 23. november 2016. Sist endret 22. november 2017.
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390 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
609 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
1,049.2 timer totalt (1,019.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ok, after those long hours in the game I've finally reached a conclusion about it, I have a weird obsession for nekos and/or lolis. Anyways I'm gonna throw ya some pros and cons

+ Nekos
+ Lolis
+ Awesome story and most probably a second part of it.
+ Nekos
+ If you manage to get the +18 version, you won't regret it. wink wink*
+ If your family catch you playing it you will be buffed with the "disappointed stare" status for the rest of your life.
+ Probably the same with your friends.
+ Nekos, lolis and a lot of best girls and potential future waifus.
+ But w/e who needs friends and family when you have nekos and lolis?
+ At some point you'll get the status and award "what am I doing with my life"
+ Did I mention nekos? anyways, nekos.

- It have a lot of pros

Buy it, if you're into VN's and/or eroges
Publisert 14. mars 2015.
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139 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
1,772.9 timer totalt (751.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Beautiful game, fast and easy to learn, with that said I'm just gonna throw some pros and cons:

- If you're into anime stuff you will love this game.
- Beautiful scenarios, day/night phase in almost all of them, colorful and cute.
- Easy and fast to learn, with a few hours in game you will catch it pretty fast.
- Most of the community it's pretty friendly, always glad to help low levels (at least an 80% of it).
- Not P2W, the only thing that you can actually do with money here it's get pets, costumes/hats (you can get the same costumes/hats just playing the game and saving "loyaty points") and/or mounts. There's an alternative to real money stuff, the "loyalty points" are currency in-game that you can earn doing daily quest and completing achievements.
- Eidolon system, which in my opinion adds that special thing to the game, there's a long list of 'em, some are easy to get and some take time.
- Weekly maintenance and more content to be added in the future.
- As every other MMORPG, events.

- Grindy, once you finish the main quest, you will probably get stuck in the 57-60 level area, where the only thing that you can do it's: well, dungeons, dungeons, daily quests, dungeons, and desperate a bit for that level 60.
- Bots, yes, each of the three servers have a load of bots, also known as "the redhead army". They're just gold farming bots, who usually send you trash mail telling you to buy gold for 4 bucks.
- Can turn boring time to time, and probably in the "57-60 area" previously descrived.
- Lag/delay in some dungeons
- The devs are hmmm how to descrive it, hmmm they're not bad, but they're kinda lazy, and when a problem arise most of the time they will opt for an easy solution. Note* this doesnt happen most of the time.
- Huge risk of a rollback when an imminent issue shows. Ex. a few months ago the item mall started to work wrong, the prices were wrong, and of course people took that chance to get cheap stuff, with that done the devs just did a rollback (if you're not used to that word, a rollback it's just what it sounds) they returned the status of the server to the day before that issue happen, with that done every single player lost the items/gold/exp/levels/progress achieved that day, after that they apologized with the community and gave to every player affected by the rollback a special package and a week of 50% more drop and exp.
Publisert 4. november 2014.
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