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Son iki haftada 0.0 saat / kayıtlarda 1,289.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,065.3 saat)
Yayınlanma: 4 Kas 2015 @ 12:51
Güncellenme: 27 Nis 2020 @ 21:52

I enjoy the game verry mutch, Sadly afterthe 3,14 update, the game was slowing down for some reason. i don't know if it was my pc or the game itself. I really was anoyed after that because i couldn't play my seccond fav survival game.

Would definitly recoment the game due to its masive comunity of RP'ers, modders and content creators that keep the game fun and diverse. Every server has its own twist and fun, Keep it up Unturnedplayers !!!!!!
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