United States
With 2016 coming in with a shaky start with various deaths of icons, celebs, etc. And within the past 5 years, death itself almost keeping a annual consistency in my family or friends, it grips my heart, and sometimes I'd ask myself

"Who's turn will it be this year?"
(this tears at my heart, its also a responsibility, to me anyway, to keep living and having fun and going through trials for those who are longer here)

This has bothered me for some time now, mainly because I've been taking time to gather my thoughts and PROPERLY express my feelings on this matter. As now, I'm sort of playing this by ear, and it feels right. Last thing I want is any of you seeing this as a desperate cry for help, its not. Its just a cry. One that needs to happen. Save your sympathy, and empathy. Tell them to the person next to you.

Death is part of life, its part of our biology, I accept that. A sad truth to this is, is that it could happen at anytime, for any number of reasons.
Caner, overdose, a bullet, brain aneurysm, sleeping pneumonia, old age, traffic accidents, medical "malpractice", accidents in general.

You get the idea. My Points?
Do your best, BE your best. Live. Take chances, live life, enjoy your day, call a friend, text a sibling, send a email to your crush, tell a dirty joke. Love those closest to you, tell them right now. And be sure to tell that special person staring back at you in the mirror. You love them, They don't need to be anyone else other than who they are. Tell them they are worth so much more than they realize, that there are so many people waiting to meet them. Don't get so worked up over things beyond your control. Change what you can if you want. If you want that try, it's gotta start with you. And finally, should something befall my life, Just remember I love you, doesn't matter where you are, where you're going, where you've been, fights we've had, what you've done, You're loved.
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Iron_Giant 23 Jan, 2013 @ 12:10am 
Hey sorry for being so slow on Cold Stream, first time on that map with only 17 hours on L4D2