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Diposting: 21 Nov 2015 @ 11:07am

Alright, this reminds me a lot of the olden days of the internet, it's pretty interesting and admittedly that is about it.

There is one glaring issue I have with this game and it's a simple one.

Sometimes you choose an option of what you would like to say and then it isn't said but one of the two other options is said.

Now perhaps that is because you haven't gotten the right conversational flags, I've played through the game from start to finish twice (It's a short game) And it happened to me both times, now that was happening in the first chapter.

So if you like to just have some light fun about an emotionally stunted boy (you) and a more emotionally stunted girl. Then by all means, give it a try. As for me, when a game has only one selling point by being a choose your own story and then does not do what you want to do. Well I can't recommend it, it's not very interactive at all.
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