Витез Лимана
Пијем винjак рубинов на игралишту:steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

👉👉👉 Сви патриоти пију Књаз Лимун
👉👉👉 Сви издајници пију Књаз Малинa

Ако сте из ЦАЦАКА. Одмах напустите овај профил

Ако ме видите на мрежи у 3 сата ујутро, то је због моје зависности од енергетског пића ГУАРАНА:steamlaughcry:

Вучић је ванземаљац послат да саботира Србију, гласајте за "глас из народа"

У Вршцу сам стекао лошу репутацију што сам тукао раднике "мој киоск" Просто мрзим када ми радници на минималцу са сменама од 12 сати не кажу „Желим вам пријатан дан“ након што купим трећу паклу цигарета Дрина у једном дану.
Heavenly nectar
3 2 1
Serbia - 公開群組
E deste
Josethx 12 月 18 日 上午 6:48 
Based in Serbian
Витез Лимана 12 月 16 日 下午 2:57 
Витез Лимана 12 月 16 日 上午 11:38 
why would I move there now. Bangkok isn't a place I want to move into permanently, even if a war would start and I'd have to move there out of necessity I'd still probably move out of Bangkok sooner or later. Or at least further from the city.

Constant traffic jams, BTS often filled to the brim with people, lack of walkability in the city. Not really my type of place, I'd see myself living there for maybe like 2-3 years just to get settled in and so that I could be close to my family but after that I'd much rather move somewhere more quiet.
quiop1212 12 月 15 日 下午 2:22 
i sold my first and only tf2 unusual for 7.62 keys which is 17 +- 1 euros
it was a Spiky Viking with a Circling peace sign Unusual effect
i originally bought it in august for almost 7 keys
the hat was pretty ugly anyway and it was for a class that i only ever use in one gamemode and since i opened my eyes and started playing other gamemodes, i stopped using the class because he sucked
SΛINT MФDΞ 12 月 15 日 上午 1:24 
in dat case y dont u just move there now