R3D [Fellow Human]
Brandon   Ontario, Canada
I'm a Human Slacker/Gamer, and definitely not a robot here to enslave all human-kind... That would be ABSURD! :cozyspaceengineersc:
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I'm a big fan of Warriors Orochi and an even bigger fan of One Piece, so this game is a definite victory in my book.

Warriors games are relatively simple at their core, but I've always enjoyed fighting hordes of enemies alongside a loved one as I experimented with a roster of various heroes to find the one that most suited me. However, this isn't your typical Warriors game... This game is based on One Piece.

It's really enjoyable to see all the fan service sprinkled throughout the game, like Sanji's heart-eyed finisher with girls or Garp nodding off during one of his combos. I absolutely love it! And playing the game with my sister while neither of us knew which characters were chosen for the game was a lot of fun. We were overjoyed when we unlocked a character from the anime that we adored, and we were dissatisfied when we unlocked a character who irritated us, yet we remained curious to learn how these characters would play. I've enjoyed Fujitora the few times I've seen him in the anime, but I was still a bit surprised to find out that he was my favourite character to play overall.

However, there's something in this game that grinded my gears more than seeing Akainu's grumpy mug in the Marines section of playable characters...

I must say, whoever came up with the gallery achievement, YOU ARE SADISTIC!
Don't be fooled by the meagre hours attached to this review; I was originally playing this on my sister's account with her, so add roughly 120 hours to the time on this review!
The grind was real and excruciating.
Why, in the name of the almighty MagiGod, did they decide to make something so important to achieving this goal rely so heavily on something so arbitrary?
Finishing all of the crew levels just to get that 99% in the gallery to 100% wasn't much fun, especially since non-playable characters can only increase when they are on your team and can only be on your team at random on Dream Log.

Now, I'm not saying it's impossible to manipulate the system so that you have a better chance of getting the crewmate you need to level; for example, if you go to the mission "Giants vs. Fishman!" and select the Fishman team, you'd have a better chance of getting Hatchen, Arlong, or Hody on your team. However, wandering about that map with all its winding roads and whatnot is a tedious chore, and don't dare forget where that mission is; if you do, you'll find yourself in Zoro's shoes, wandering aimlessly around until you stumble upon it. You could argue that you are now the fan service, I suppose.

Making players spend more time than necessary on this game was not the best idea.
The longer I played, the more obvious the game's minor flaws became, such as the camera yanking you away from the direction you were running to show you the many enemies you quickly dispatched, resulting in you slamming your face against a wall, or having to wait for the character's dialogue to slowly catch up before the next mission could begin whenever you completed missions too quickly. Such details were easy to overlook when first getting into the game, but when you're forced to replay the same levels countless times, these flaws begin to stick out like Usopp's nose.

Furthermore, I despise the final golden coins required for level-breaking! Why random chance?!
Seriously, those dumb things relying on such a ridiculous system of beating a TOTALLY "strong" opponent only to get ABSOLUTELY zilch from said opponent and then being forced to do the Final Island for the umpteenth time for another small chance at getting MORE nothing; WHAT A GROUND BREAKING IDEA!

Because of this stupid mechanic, my boy Fuji was left on the sidelines for too long as the others were breaking their limits. Don't stifle his growth; THE METEORS MUST FALL!
Activité récente
10,6 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 24 oct.
16,5 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 24 oct.
152 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 24 oct.
batzoom1 4 janv. à 7h24 
i truly don't understand
♫♪KuteSnowBall♫♪ 7 aout 2022 à 6h25 
long time no see :v buy left 4 dead 2 so we can play something i dont like rust chance so i quit until it get good again
♫♪KuteSnowBall♫♪ 11 avr. 2022 à 4h14 
can i have a name of server again something happen all my favor now lost :I