Ara ara

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btw afraid of women
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1,035 hrs on record
last played on 2 Jan
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last played on 26 Dec, 2024
4.2 hrs on record
last played on 25 Dec, 2024
Gimli Köttfärssås 24 Dec, 2021 @ 4:30am 
accorden to all known laws of aviation, dalee nosa way a bee should besa able to fly. Its wings too small to getsa its fat litta body off da feetwalken. Da bee, of course, flies anyway because bees no caren what humans think impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! let's shake it tup a litta. Barry! breakfast ready! ooming! hangen on a second. Heyday ho? - barry? - adam? - oan yousa believe disa happening? - me can't. Me'll picken yousa tup. Looken sharp. Usen da stairs. Yous father paid good mula per those. Sorry. Me'm excited. Hair's da graduaten. Wesa're berry rugor of yousa, son. A bombad reporten card, all b's. Berry rugor. Ma! me got a then goen hair. - yousa got lint on yous fuzz. - ow! dat's mesa! - waven to us! wesa'll besa in row 118,000. - selongabye! barry, me told yousa, stopen flyen in da house! - ya-hoo, adam. - ya-hoo, barry. - dat fuzz gel? - a litta. Special day, graduateon.
Farmbot#8365 24 Dec, 2021 @ 4:10am 
----▌------(▓)-- = --(▓)
----▌-----\(▓)-- ✺ --(▓)/
----▌----(▓)---- ✺ ----(▓)
----▌---(▓)----- ✺ -----(▓)
----▌---(▓)----- ✺ -----(▓)
----▌----(▓)---- ✺ ----(▓)

Merry Christmas, 2021.
NoPostOnSundays 19 Apr, 2021 @ 11:36am 
+Rep for being latino :steamthumbsup:
XII 19 Apr, 2021 @ 11:35am 
-rep smallest of PP
Oblixt 14 Nov, 2020 @ 5:16am 
hai hai
VSN.fastpooper 2 Nov, 2019 @ 2:59pm 
stopid man stop idiot you dont speek japnese haha