怖い猫 [Kodi]
DJ   Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male, Straight :cozybethesda:
Ethnicity: Caribbean Curry :oink:
Age: Younger than I feel :cozywolfmedalion:
Physicality: Fit :lunar2020confidentrooster:
Relationship: Single :lunar2020playfuldog:
Work: Esoterical :kill:
Worldview: Christian, Protestant (Reformed/Presbyterian) :wololo:
Political Bent: Conservative Socialist.:lunar2020thinkingtiger:
General Mood: Happy Sarcastic :steammocking:
General Mindset: Optimistic Realist :lunar2019deadpanpig:
Ideals: Hopeless Romantic :proposal:
Personality: Laid-back AF, Introvert, Open :lunar2020halodragon:
Attitude: Internally Driven :batarang:
Mentality: Self-Competitive :summer2019flag:
Alignment: Neutral Good :lunar2020gigglemonkey:
Sports: DOTA 2, Football (Soccer) :d2lonedruid:
Pastimes: Writing, Reading :espresso:
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Guide
Created by - pudge
13,485 ratings
Purge's Welcome to Dota, You Suck guide is well regarded as the premiere guide for learning the basics of Dota 2. It covers things like heroes to pick when you're new, basic strategy breakdown, controls, lane setups, basic game mechanics such as damage typ
SirThief 23 May, 2020 @ 9:42pm 
Invited you to be friends or whatever, but since your comments are open I guess I can just say what i wanted to say right here. At the end of a game, you recommended a podcast for a new player. I checked it out and am already loving it. Thanks for the rec.! Cheers.
我人 Trade Banned 20 Apr, 2020 @ 8:23pm 
Hello, can't send you friend reguest because of new limits. can you add me please?
SSN_Cole 15 May, 2017 @ 2:28pm 
Great legion +rep XD
Jade 27 May, 2012 @ 5:40pm 
Hey, seeing as you didn't die from all of that tech talk here's a video for you to watch/listen. >:D
I don't know if you're a big Skyrim fan or not, but I thought that it was really good.
And I haven't even played Skryim. xD It's by the same person who did the dubstep violin one.
Jade 12 Apr, 2012 @ 12:03pm 
That's awesome!! :D I'll be careful driving around your town now. :O
xD Just kidding....maybe.. >.>
We've been offically living at our new place for almost a week now. So it's coming along slowly. Have you even seen any pictures of it yet? It's a really different kind of house, but I love it.
I can practice shooting and go hunting in my backyard!....Speaking of which I need to get my ADULT gun licence now. xD Anyways, enough blabbing. Have a great rest of the day!
Jade 7 Dec, 2011 @ 6:24pm 
Well, well, well. If it isn't your birthday again. You sir, are getting old.
xD Anyways.....hope you had a great day, despite the fact that you probably had to work and such. :P
Have a good one, don't party it up too much. >:D