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Publisert: 28. okt. 2020 kl. 4.31
Oppdatert: 17. okt. 2023 kl. 0.22

It all feels sooo off in CS2, what does graphics matter if the whole game have changed for the worse? (my opinion).

Player models blend in with the colours of the walls and environment and the player becomes semi invisible,
Some times, its hard to see the heads and even the whole enemy body because the backgrond is to dark and the colours are so close to those used for the player models.
The player models really need an overhaul and NO, i dont want to pay for it, i paid for the game back in time and paid enough through opening dumb cases, for the love of Duke Nukem. And i dont get why valve wont host 128ticks minimum. back in the day in cs 1.6 if you had 75 ping you lacked, soo, then you had to find i better server, easy.. STOP BEING SO CHEAP VALVE!
This "Sub-tick" (call it whatever you want, its still a garbage 64 tick trash) its just filth, again, you are behind cover, but the you suddently teleport back out and is dead. WHY?
Why have you made such lazy decision? CS16 or source NEVER had this issue, i never experienced it once. But in CSGO and now CS2, its in EVERY match... Then get some professional networking nerds hired if the team lack this knowledge which it seems like.

Ingame behaviour
Tthe toxcitiy in the game is just awful. i have never heard so many toxic dummies in the history of CS before, its completely insane.

Aiming and spray
The one tap shot feel great, but the spray pattern, it might be the same, but wauw does it feeels sooooooo OFF. i have gone from around 1 k/d (i dont give a flying duke nukem if its bad) down to 0.35, i cant for the love of duke nukem hit in CS2. it feel so OFF.
The pattern i have used so many hours on in practicing, is gone, and the one we "got" now, i feel is just random, the spray you have on a server you host with bots or on with friends on lan, does not feel the same when you play against other players.

Walls and player slow downs
Gawd forbid if you get even close to a wall, then the MF'er will slow you down and you will feel like the wall grabs you and put a rubberband around you. WHY? Its the same when you run into teamm8s, you rubberband WAY to much. This is just LAZY programming.

Generals regarding ingame issues and wishes
I seriously hope CS team soon will listen to others than just youtubers. And youtubers like WarOwl or 3click just point out small problems and kisses butts for the rest. Even they have gone completely off their patterns. They kiss butt way to much, and it does nothing good for the game. What about the overall problems and issues?

Could the cs team please start listening to other players than just the youtubers and the "pro" players???

I am sooo sick of cheaters (does this game have an anti-cheat at all?), i had zero to a few a month in CSGO, but in CS2 its about every 5th match.
VALVE/CS Team, if you CANT make a proper anti-cheat, then hire a team who can. This is getting embarrassing to witness, ANd wauw was it and HUGE embarrassment to witness that you banned NO cheater in CSGO the past half year. You should be on you knees begging for forgivness and give cases free of charge and remove the keys from that case.
since some players got the cs2 limited test, we others had to fight against cheaters like insane, yes, cs2 had cheaters to, but at least the CS team could have chosen proper players into their test betas??? What a fail actually.

Match Length
Max round 12, IDK, it feels like i am playing the short version from CSGO, i dont feel i have played a whole match at the end. I would actually love if MR15 to come back and valve would make the player choose which he/she would like to win. But maybe its because its so new.

Demos and greed
DEMOs, what the hell, enable it. Why disable it? Yes because you rather wanted more servers for playing, but why not buy or rent those extra servers? You cant tell me that you dont have the money for it since more than a 1.000.000 cases are opened everyday, thats just greed.

M4, i would like to get the m4 we had from back in cs 1.6 and css, this 2 types of m4 is lame as hell. And why not make all weapons available at any time for the player (of course depending on which side you are playing CT/T)

Aim and Spray again again
Spray pattern, i have already covered this, but i find this FILTH to be such a problem that i have to mention it again. IT FEELS SOOOOO OFF!!! CS2 have plssed me off so much because the pattern is all over the map rather than on the player like it would have in csgo, same pattern same movement of the mouse, right? But i dont feel it like that, i feel it soooo different.

I loved Counter-Strike but as an old guy who played cs since cs1.1 back in his late teen years, this CS2 makes me so frustrated because what i have had hardcoded in my muscle memories, its all gone. Jumping feels off, spray feels off, at least running feels normal.
Counter-Strike dont really feel like Counter-Strike anymore.
I am dissapointed and frustrated.. This really makes me think whether i want to keep playing the game i once loved and i have used thousands of hours on.

I am just sad to the bones. And i am so close to sell all my skins and quit Counter-Strike for good, this is just FILTH!
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