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(I know it says 119 minutes, I beat this game on my PS4 awhile back but bought this on here because it was on sale for like 2 dollars)

This game scares the crap out of me to the point that I can not play it for very long. Not sure if the story makes the most sense but basically you're a reporter who sneaks into an insane asylum and as soon as you get in, it is immediately terrifying and the game manages to keep the scare level at about a 10 for the majority of the game.

Great, gross atmosphere and nightmarish/deformed baddies. Voice acting isn't bad either. If you ever wanted to play a game that feels like an actual nightmare, this is it.
Publicada el 29 de diciembre de 2020. Última edición: 29 de diciembre de 2020.
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40.0 h registradas
It's not perfect, but it's not far off from being perfect.

What happens when you take a game that's way ahead of its time, buff out most of the issues, make it look a million times better and replace the POS N64 controller with a mouse and keyboard?

You get a pretty satisfying shooter to sink your talons into.

You've got your varied enemies, all different types of aliens or creatures. You've got your N64 gore that is so appealing to look at. And you've got a metric ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of guns.

My praise:

+For all of the overlooked buggy type things they haven't fixed from the original(bad hit detection) they fixed a few big things such as showing markers for objectives and switches that there is no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way you would have seen(Not sure how anyone beat this game on the 64) and the ability to grab on to ledges of jumps you almost made but didn't quite land on.

+Decent tracks for each level. This version includes both the N64 and PC port soundtracks.

+Plenty of customization options in the settings.

+The game looks and controls great.

+It's just fun to blow enemies to pieces. There are a surpisingly large amount of death animations for most enemies and it is supremely satisfying to see all of them. (Especially with the cerebral bore, of course)

My complaints are as follows:

-Sometimes things don't always work like they should. Enemies can't be flashbanged when cloaked, oftentimes hits won't be detected despite the fact you can clearly see the bullet tracer pass right through them. Although this is a remastered version of something coded for a N64 so a few imperfections are to be expected.

-Some levels can be relentlessly confusing(Hive of the Mantids was the one I had the most trouble with). This can be a good thing in a certain way but at times it gets really old.

-Backtracking can be fun for certain things, except for when you have no idea where something is.

-No subtitle options. A big pet peeve of mine.

-Some tiny, hard to hit enemies can be a a royal pain in the ass. In this game they seem particularly bad. Worse than Duke 3D's or Hell, even the ones from Duke Forever!

All in all just a fun, yet super hard shooter with some varied levels that are a blast to explore(most of the time). I personally played on Hardcore for my first playthrough because I'm a tryhard so I'd imagine this game would be more appealing to most people on the regular hard difficulty setting. Honestly the only thing that really made me get heated was the fair amount of backtracking you'll have to do. It was really fun and cathartic going back to a game from my childhood that I could barely make any progress in and beating that game on the hardest difficulty setting.

Nightdive Studios seems to keep bringing a bunch of stuff that I love or want to play to Steam. I really hope that after they finish their System Shock remake(of which I am personally only mildly interested in) they can bring us Turok 3 and Turok Rage Wars. Or maybe some remakes and/or remasters of other games. I can't wait to see what they'll bring us next!
Publicada el 12 de febrero de 2020. Última edición: 13 de febrero de 2020.
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1.2 h registradas
"Fallout 3 is not optimized for Windows 7 and later."

THEN OPTIMIZE IT, YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
Publicada el 11 de enero de 2020.
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11.7 h registradas (6.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So you want to play poker. You don't want to go to the casino and use real money.

So you start a poker night with your friends. All is well for awhile until you realize that you're stuck eating potato chips in your basement at 3 in the morning until the game is over. And then you're like: "Why the ♥♥♥♥ am I eating potato chips and drinking rye in my basement at 3 in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morning?" And "Why am I holding cards at 3 in the morning, I'm 30"

This game is the cure. You can pause and quit at any time. Cute and fun characters banter and once you've heard the same handful of lines of dialogue you can set the game to make them shut up. And there's some achievements for that dopamine fix.

Or at least... it was the cure... until Telltale games took the game off of the steam store.

Publicada el 8 de enero de 2020. Última edición: 31 de agosto de 2021.
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23.7 h registradas
So this is my first time playing the game, ever. I'm not sure how much this version differs from the Gamecube version but I have to say that RE4 was (most likely) way ahead of its time. It's basically a third person shooter wherein you move relatively slow and shoot slow-moving infected Europeans and monsters in a way that is supremely satisfying.

The only things that annoy me are as follows: there's no volume control. This can be annoying when you want to listen to a YouTube podcast, creepypasta or Howard Stern episode and the game volume always drowns out the audio of the video you're trying to listen to in the background. Luckily for me, certain podcasts I enjoy are posted on sites where I can crank that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up so I had a workaround.

Also, certain bosses(Krauser) only have specific moments where your shots inflict damage and sometimes it's really hard to tell when those moments are.

Furthermore, there were select moments where the game got realllyyyy laggy and I don't think it had anything to do with my PC. Given that these moments were extremely few and far between it's not a huge issue. It's worth noting that about halfway through the game a quick cutscene showing a bridge moving was of really PS2-esque quality for some reason. Maybe they forgot to remaster that one and only cutscene.

Lastly, and I know this has been a staple of games for quite some time now... DIFFICULTIES THAT YOU HAVE TO UNLOCK BY BEATING THE GAME. I hate this so much. Just a personal gripe. Maybe it makes somewhat more sense in this scenario than it does for say Max Payne 3 which had you beat the game three times to get all of the difficulty achievements since each unlockable difficulty had vaguely different rules but I digress. I just hate playing through a game and starting over again only for it to be harder. Especially this game because Professional mode is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible. Although you do get unlimited RPG ammo and the same for another gun, and all of the cutscenes are skippable so... win some lose some.

Now on to the good, this game was simply a load of fun. Just a satisfying journey of shooting meaty enemies with a healthy plethora of upgradable weapons. Tons of tense moments and even a few scares here and there. There's really now a whole lot to complain about when it comes to the gameplay element. It takes a little getting used to but once you get used to it, you feel like a total bada$$ especially once you start leveling up your health and making your guns OP.

The game is honestly one of the funniest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ games I have played in quite some time I have to say. At first I thought that it was an unintentional comedy but as the story progresses, I have to believe they knew what they were doing. It starts relatively grounded in reality and quickly becomes outrageous. I can't remember the last time I played through a single player campaign and laughed my ass off so many times.

Only in Japan will you get a mix of genuine horror, hot ladies with a handful of panty shots thrown in, cheesy characters that all look either super ugly or super pretty, stupid fight scenes and tons of jarring humor. It's an acquired taste that this game hits perfectly.
Publicada el 22 de julio de 2018.
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43.3 h registradas (1.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you know Carmageddon you already know what to expect and this delivers on that outstandingly. For some reason this game was called Reincarnation which appeared to be the same thing but they deleted that and renamed it Max Damage for some reason.

Either way it's Carmageddon with a new engine(pun intended) and you've got you're classic game rules: You win by actually winning a race, killing all other drivers or killing all or the most pedestrians. Plenty of cows and fat people and old ladies and wheelchair lards and Hilaries and Trumps to splatter. My only complaint would be that while the different drivers have little illustrations showing them, gone is the fun little screen that shows their reactions a la Carmageddon 1, Doom or Quake.
Publicada el 1 de junio de 2018.
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0.7 h registradas
I totally didn't read that one guy's review and use it to get all the puzzles done in two seconds or anyhting.
Publicada el 30 de mayo de 2018.
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68.1 h registradas (30.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is an extremely addicting classic!

For those who haven't played it or have only heard about it, imagine if you will the concept of the (also classic) movie Dawn of the Dead:

There are survivors stuck in a mall with a bunch of zombies and some psychotic crazy people wreaking havoc. And much like how the survivors in (the original) Dawn film disposed of the zombies in all sorts of funny ways by using random items around them, this concept is a core gameplay mechanic!

You can throw stacks of CD's at them(much like the record throwing scene in Shaun of the Dead), smash them over the head with childrens toys and potted plants, throw buckets of paint at them splattering them with bright colors, pick up 24-packs of soda and start chucking cans at them, throw pies at them, mow them down by the dozens with machine guns, blow their heads off with hunting rifles, hit hockey pucks at them, play zombie bowling with them with a bowling ball, pick up a big a** salmon from the pond and whack them with it, throw propane tanks into a crowd and shoot it taking out a group of them(don't tell Hank Hill), and the list goes on.

Now in the Dawn film, there was a group of crazy bikers led by the great SFX artist Tom Savini causing a bunch of mayhem to occur. In Dead Rising they took that concept and pumped it full of caffiene and steroids. You've got a huge plethora of different psychos that you can choose to go up against if you go to the right places at the right times. Doing so will reward you with a ton of XP (or PP as the game calls it) which will help level you up a great deal.

These whackos include, but aren't limited to: A sniper with his two equally disturbed sons, a crazy lard who owns the grocery store with a souped up shopping cart as a weapon, a war vet with a machete who looks like Michael Rooker, a drinkin hillbilly gun store owner and even an overweight policewoman beating up a group of fine ladies for some odd reason(the ladies in question you can be rescued for some good ole fashioned PP points)

The overall tone of the game is a fun one similar to that of a dark comedy. It's somewhat light hearted, filled with a lot of colorful characters both good and bad and can be both dark but also funny in a way that isn't annoyingly jarring. Similar to the first Borderlands before the series tone devolved into constant references and stupid jokes that are told right around extremely serious plot points. To better utilize a quote from Todd Howard: "It just works". The protagonist Frank West is fairly likeable photograher and it's fun to watch him interact with the people he runs into.

I'd also like to add that it's refreshing to see a piece of media with zombies in it wherein the characters refer to the zombies as zombies. I don't know about you but I feel like in the real world, we'd call a zombie a zombie if there were zombies walking around turning people into zombies.

Your zombie-killing playground is Hugh Mungus and it's truly addicting to just run around and f*** with them using random items. The amount of zombies in the mall is insane and there's nothing more satisfying than just enflicting mass carnage on the massive crowds of them. To add to this addictiveness there's a constant kill-counter at the bottom right of the screen and even achievements for getting certain amounts of zombies dispatched. This is also strengthened by the leveling system that increases health, damage output, speed and special attacks among other things.

Much like in the original Fallout there's a certain amount of time you have to beat the game but you'll get used to it after while. Interestingly enough you can choose at any point to restart the game at whatever character level you're at including all of the abilities and upgrades you've acquired. Which is weird... but personally I kind of like it.

Really if I had to say anything bad about the game it would only be two things:

-The A.I. for the survivors you can escort back to your hideout is abysmal and when you've got a swarm of zombies to get through while trying to get their dumb a**es to follow you without getting helplessly attacked is a true torture fit only for those on death row or those staying in Guantanamo Bay. Made ten times worse for those trying to get a perfect run. My heart goes out to anyone trying to do a perfect speedrun.

-It's similar to the three best GTA games in that you have to go into certain rooms in order to save the game and they are, in my opinon, too few and far between. Which is ungodly annoying if you've just made a ton of progress or completed an annoying mission only to get killed by a stupid mistake on your way to a save point.

Aside from the two aforementioned gripes I love everything about this game and I think it's a perfect choice for those looking for something great to play. This game is just as good as I remembered it all the way back in 06. If you see this game on a sale or I've sold you on it and you don't mind spending 20 smackaroons you should definitely pick this up. And if you've bought this game on a Steam sale binge and already have it in your library I hope I've sold you(Just stay away from the Wii version!).
Publicada el 26 de abril de 2018. Última edición: 27 de abril de 2018.
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438.4 h registradas (219.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Well I hate to give the obligitory "What hasn't already been said" remark and leave it as a review but, here we are.

Since this phenominal game is fairly old and you probably know all there is to know, I won't bore you with generic compliments that have been given for New Vegas countless times before, but instead say that my only two problems with the game are the moderate amount of glitches and the fact that the radio stations in the game were fairly lackluster.

Here's the soundtrack I use when playing this game, either enjoy or talk ♥♥♥♥ to me in the comments.

Devil's Right Hand- Johnny Cash

Earth Angel- Back to the Future version

All Shook Up- Elvis

Big Iron- Johnny Cash version

Donna the Prima Donna- Dion

Get Ready- The Temptations

Now or Never- Elvis

The Wanderer(Duh)-Dion

Last Kiss- Elvis Version

Sunday Morning Coming Down- Johnny Cash version

Please Mr. Postman- The Marvelettes

Like a Soldier- Johnny Cash
Publicada el 6 de abril de 2018. Última edición: 6 de abril de 2018.
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25.8 h registradas (6.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Okay so basically this game is awesome, but not without a few valid complaints.

It's a remastered(even more so than the Megaton version) version of Duke 3D. It looks even better than the Megaton version although you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference unless you're looking at a comparison or you've played the old game for countless hours.

What's awesome is that the original level designers came in and made a whole new episode( 8 levels) and each one is a real treat. They're really, really good and apparently would have been impossible to make and run on the original engine. There was a lot of work put into this new episode. I personally found it to not be that hard on the "Come Get Some" difficulty like I've heard of other reviewers complain about, but maybe that's because I play so much Duke that I'm used to it. Its got tons of boss enemies in level which I personally have a huge hard on for. I love nothing more than firing away on those large and detailed 2D monsters for what seems like hours until they die.

There's even this really neat commentary feature where, when turned on you have these speakers that you walk up to and if activated will trigger an audio clip of them talking about making that specific part of the map. It's really, really a lot more interesting than it may sound.

They even give you the option to choose whether you want to listen to the original Duke dialogue or a new version re-recorded by Jon St. John. Not that he's the biggest chatterbox but as a big voice acting nerd I eat this stuff up. There's a new soundtrack for the new levels and it's pretty bada** as well.

There's some other features like a reskinned version of a different gun made to be a flamethrower. It's moderately fun to use I suppose. Now when you die you have this unique rewind bar where you can rewind back to any spot you want. I suppose it's alright.

Now what I don't really care for is how, after Duke's right's were tossed back and forth they ended up in the hands of Gearbox. Now I like Gearbox, but they've done some stuff with the Duke property I really don't care for. Mainly not letting a small indie company release an AMAZING full 3D Duke game(the story is complicated but that's the gist) and deleting the Megaton version of Duke 3D off of steam which included all of the original expansions which I hear are hard to find and are extremely expensive to buy the original versions of(luckily I bought the Megaton Edition long before its deletion). And this World Tour version does not have any of those expansions. Who knows perhaps they'll be DLC later on.

All in all it's worth buying without a doubt. It's got the original classic game with The Birth thrown in, it's got the cool level designer commentary, and it's got an 8 level pack made by those original designers that I think is worth the price of admission alone. If you like super large levels filled with personality and plenty of boss and mini-boss enemies to fire at, you'll love this game to death!
Publicada el 15 de febrero de 2018.
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