Long ago... When i was small... I raced about here and there, in a summer that felt like it would last an eternity. With family... With friends... Never, ever, running out of games, no matter how much we played... The sun would forever continue to shine brilliantly throughtout those days. Somewhere along the line, those memories started drifting further and further away... But, on that day, that brilliance i had felt on my eyelids... That alone, i still remember. In search of brilliance, I flew. Upon these little wings, I set out on a journey to cross the vast ocean. In the distance, I saw a tiny shadow. A shadow, leisurely floating on the sea... Ahh... That place that i had been yearning for, just a little further... Just a little further, and I'll be able to alight... Upon that summer...
It won't stop raining.
I haven't seen the sun once since I wandered into this house.
I wonder how many days it's been.
The doll continuously talks to me.
I cut off the doll's head. It looks like the rain has stopped
I feel it now. The ghosts of people who still exist, but shouldn't. Mistakes never fixed, paths never crossed. People who once should have felt familiar and warm still feel distant. Artificial fragments of what should have been, what's going to be. Broken people. Ghosts, living on and on seemingly without end, casting their shadows over me. And I wash these quivering hands, and everything that has ever meant anything to me.​
поверь, так сложно стараться не сойти с ума
при этом всём дойти до конца
совершенно не зная, каким он будет
и точно ли будет, не знаю я
сложно, зачем ожидать утра?
когда всю ночь ноет голова
возможно, желая быстрее финала
финала не будет, прости меня
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