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Análises recentes de Patchy

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7.7 horas registradas (7.4 horas no momento da análise)
Was a really fun game to 100%.

What looks like a fun and cutesy waifu game, is one of darker themes and an existential crisis that awaits. With a more anime themed, simplistic graphical style, an interesting way of presenting subtitles, and another yandere woman for the weebs to simp over... this was a great game!

The gameplay is somewhat linear, but getting all of the collectibles, exploring everything to ensure nothing was missed and playing all of the minigames makes for a really enjoyable experience. Coupled with the cute characters that do well in making you feel somewhat for them, i found myself unable to pull away until beating the game.

The length of the game is roughly 4 hours before peaceful mode is added. It took me 7 to play the entire story, go back and get all collectibles and achievements that i missed, and finally unlock peaceful mode.

While not the usual type of game i go for, i loved playing it and look forward to seeing what peaceful mode is like!

Also this was made by 2 russian guys meanwhile YandereDev took 10 years to make a demo. Any slight to YandereDev is a plus to me>
Publicada em 31 de janeiro.
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2.6 horas registradas
It's certainly one of the more simple looking horror games i've seen, but don't let that take away from how good this game is.

It's absolutely one of the more unique ones i've played. Adding files to your computer as a way of giving puzzles and that for you to solve. I found myself genuinely engaged and curious to see what happens next as i played the game. That said, it is fairly short, being able to be beaten in only 2 hours.
Publicada em 19 de setembro de 2024.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1.8 horas registradas
Look it was really exciting to see the first G5 pony game. But tbh it isn't worth £35.

It's still really fun and i had a blast playing through it... but it takes 2 hours to complete and aside from a few minigames most of the completion is running around the map collecting the games version of coins.

This one i'd only recommend if it goes on sale.
Publicada em 19 de setembro de 2024.
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17.9 horas registradas
This is one of those games i enjoyed so much that i refused to put it down until i hit that 100% mark.

The graphics are just flat out beautiful, every single planet is so uniquely designed that you can't help but wanna explore all of them, a perfect incentive to go about and collect every single collectible that there is.

The story has a great pacing. While the game itself isn't very long, it manages to keep you gripped enough that all of the action keeps you on the edge of your seat. Alongside the fact Rivet and Kit are extremely charming in their own right, it's a great combination, keeping you invested in the characters as you go through the scenes.

As a platformer, it succeeds well in keeping movement fun and immersive, with many different mechanics related to platforming and movement that all feel unique, while most of it (Like the magneboots or ziplining) are more for specific parts of the missions, things like the rocket shoes are useful enough in combat, all of these mechanics make traversing the map enjoyable.

As a shooter, it does amazing with the variety of guns, as well as the simple fact that they end up changing as you upgrade and level them further, making it worthwhile to max out as much as you can. Each gun has it's own mechanics, with none feeling repetitve or boring. As for which ones are best (Not including the one you get for collecting all the spybots) it's more or less whichever you find the best for yourself.

There are 5 Collectibles in the game:
> The Gold Bolts - These are basically collectible cheats. Some ones like infinite health and infinite ammo, making things uselessly easy. Others being silly changes like your weapon colour or confetti when you hit a weak point.

>The Spybots - You need to get these for what is pretty much the best weapon in the game, so you'll likely collect these no matter what, but they do offer little recordings to listen to for a small amount of lore

> Armour - You get a few sets with no benefits, strictly cosmetic. As well as a good load of sets to collect that give you buffs. The effects of the armour sticks with you even if you don't wear it, effects getting better the more of each set you collect. A perfect reason to go out and get them all

> Lorbs - These are more lore recordings that you go get in order to get a spybot. Really entertaining and worth a listen

> The bears - Honestly, unless you're tryna get achievements, these little guys do nothing.

I like the fact most of the collectibles actually benefit you when you get them, meaning if you want to struggle less, it's a good idea to go treasure hunting rather than skipping it.

Overall, i loved playing through this one, and if you haven't already. You absolutely should!
Publicada em 19 de setembro de 2024.
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1.4 horas registradas
The first chapter was really short, i beat it and got all of the little collectables in just under an hour. For what it was i absolutely adored it! Honestly the only issue i can even have with the game is that there isn't more of it yet.

Can't wait for more chapters! <3
Publicada em 25 de maio de 2024.
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44.2 horas registradas (31.5 horas no momento da análise)
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Great game but honestly needs more updates. After a while things get rly repetitive
Publicada em 30 de março de 2024.
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17.7 horas registradas (17.1 horas no momento da análise)
Is vampire, it survives.
Publicada em 30 de março de 2024.
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24.3 horas registradas (10.0 horas no momento da análise)
Whew boy, that resident sure is evil for the 4th time.
Publicada em 30 de março de 2024.
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10.8 horas registradas
When i saw the word dungeon i expected much more leather and screaming.
Publicada em 30 de março de 2024.
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18.4 horas registradas
Perfect conclusion to the winters storyline.

The game was pretty short to the point i managed to beat half of it in one day, and the DLC in one sitting. The horror aspects were strong but not as prominent as they were in RE7. It felt more like an action game, though that doesn't change how much it immerses you into the world and makes you genuinely care about the characters and want to know more.

The only problem i can find with the story is that there's not more for me to play through.
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2024.
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