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有 17 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 1,138.7 小时 (评测时 71.5 小时)
game design is simply awesome, the systems that are implemented in this game blast the living ♥♥♥♥ out of other MMOs and pisses in their face. it literally has the best marketboard/economy system among any MMO.... HOWEVER... this game is an enormous timesink, giving a bold middle finger to Jagex & Runescape. it's an upgraded, polished version of runescape that shows its own style and meta.

with this being said, there are major issues in this game that i won't dive into. if you are not heavily into PVP, you may find the game becomes boring; HOWEVER, if you travel down the gathering/crafting route, your riches will give you immense power beyond your wildest dreams, and be able to fund your guild, your friends, or your allies to have more fun than they would have otherwise. there is a place for everybody in this game, unlike many other MMOs. you CAN play this without being heavily oriented toward PVP, and thus it somehow nails the target audience of doubling as a mobile game as well. this game has the same gear thrill/gear fear/pvp rush that Rust even has, being in zones where you really do not belong as a solo player, being surrounded by zergs and gankers and being at the liberty of generosity and pity of the mega geared pvp chads around you. some zergs run 20.. 30.. 40 deep, and may morally shame those members who kill gatherers. quite an interesting form of ethics developed within the game, and there IS INDEED politics and wars between guilds. kos lists... blacklists... you name it. i find the pvp side of this game as intriguing and enticing to the grim and vindictive nature of man.... who would've ever thought this game would parallel Rust so much? a crappy runescape wannabe game somehow being deep, intricate, and so economically sound? how does this game rise above plenty of other more visually, graphically, and boisterous visual game engines? the ui flaws i can look over. the poor tutorial mode i can look over. this game has a social demand and a social orientation that other MMOs simply DO NOT HAVE. ffxiv doesn't, WoW doesn't, and i highly doubt runescape does. there is something about this game, and they have struck gold with it. the devs should dump more time into this, and even into marketing this. the united states market is simply UNTAPPED in this game, as many people are from south america & eastern countries that are now playing.

now, the real bad news..
hackers are a real problem. this needs to be fixed. everybody knows it. radar ruins lives.
gatherers need ways to be more tanky or to be more avoidant toward pvp activity. I do not think it's right that it's so easy to just pinata a gatherer. something needs to be done about this, but i suppose, there must be thrill in such a "boring" task, eh? again, parallels to Rust... plenty of people play as a gatherer/resource slave... BUT... should they thus be starved of the same thrill? still, a mechanic should be in place to solve this.

all in all, this is actually the best MMO I feel is available right now, which is hilarious. I never thought i'd think such a way installing and downloading this game. YOU MUST find a guild that will teach you the ropes, or a mentor that has a HELL of a lot of time to answer everything you seek. otherwise, you will not enjoy yourself. be prepared to be a beggar or spend many hours of inefficient time. this is not the kind of game that will reward you casually if you are solo. you will spend insurmountable times grinding (BUT... if you're coming from runescape, you will be used to this, eh?)
9.5/10 is my current rating. seriously. game is pretty insane. crafting, gathering, farming, mount creation, gear/PVE system, flexxing classes on one character (in a way better execution than FFXIV) gives this game so much respect. i am not even scratching the surface in this review, and this game welcomes much to be discovered by the average player. many game devs can learn from this--- systems within a game are actually far more valuable to a player than the actual visual presentation of the game itself. this will be the reason that indie games (not saying this is an indie game, but in general) will rise far beyond the games developing and obsessing about visual cutting edge presentation over actual creative execution of game mechanics. what a cutting-edge MMO this is; although, something about me detects i will indeed eat my words at some point, and that worries me. the hacker problem is very serious, and in a game where you can lose MILLIONS of silver/currency which technically has real life money value, i fear for the well-being of the game versus its black market governed by hackers. if you are obsessed with PVP, this facet is enough to bring its rating down below a number in which you will not play. i hear and see too much about people outraging about hackers, and from what i gather as a new player, the devs will not do much about it.

thanks for reading my review; i am quite passionately impressed by this game and the creative abstract thinking it clearly demonstrates through the systems available to the players, and, ultimately, the gears of its economy. in this game, coin rules all, and you will realize this meekly as a feeble new player with everything to lose and its digital world to gain.
发布于 6 月 10 日。
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总时数 2.6 小时
great game, way too short. worth $5 on its best day. $10-$15 if at least 10 hours+.
发布于 6 月 2 日。
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总时数 109.0 小时 (评测时 108.4 小时)
this game is pretty awesome in terms of refinement, but the hud is honestly terrible and the crashes are too unpredictable, random, and prevalent. this game's optimization makes me sad. my computer is overkill for this game... i always find myself playing it and dropping it due to the issues. maybe in 2050 it will be playable... instead of constantly coming up with new things to add, they should work 1 year straight on optimization ONLY... fix the crashes. why have mods in the game if there's no mod debugging either? to avoid crashes, youre forced to play vanilla, and they STILL happen. LOL... cmon...... i want to love and play this game, but, the lag and crashes make it frustrating.
i've also watched a streamer play this game and have his 3 week+ save file get rekt due to a crash. he quit after. such a depressing and frustrating problem to have. pls fix game lol
发布于 2023 年 6 月 7 日。
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总时数 1,387.2 小时 (评测时 616.7 小时)
why no search function for perks?
1/3rd of my hours is probably just flipping through these annoying pages
EDIT (1/3/23): survivor HUD being implemented. WHERE IS THE SEARCH FUNCTION FOR PERKS??
EDIT (2/3/23): gen progress added to survivor hud. STILL NO SEARCH FUNCTION for perks
EDIT (2/12/23): eruption nerfs coming. whoa! new killer coming out in March! STILL NO SEARCH FUNCTION for perks.
EDIT (3/19/23): reverted billy nerfs (lol), +bloodweb speed. yesterday, otz took 24 seconds on stream to find hex:pentimento. STILL NO SEARCH FUNCTION.
EDIT (2/2/24): FINALLY these issues are fixed. took so long. how many years of the games' existence? billy buffs (needed); also changed review to thumbs up due to chucky existing in the game.
perhaps this game does have a future after all? i hope they keep adding licensed killers. all of the additions have been crazy good!
发布于 2022 年 12 月 29 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 2 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 108.5 小时 (评测时 76.2 小时)
long, long, long long-term chivalry fan.

the most recent update has broken it. it's as if it wasn't even tested. giant lag because of xbox game pass being issued to players.

i will change my review when the game is fixed (which might not be ever). this iteration has been terrible. chiv 1 > chiv 2
the recent nerf on highland sword is also terrible. that needs to be reverted too.
this game was really fun while it lasted. if the lag persists, alongside of TERRIBLE TERRIBLE nerfs/game balance changes, this will be the death of this game for me.

chiv 1's approach was barely ever nerfing something unless it got completely COMPLETELY out of hand. as far as i understand, they only nerfed the butter knife (hunting knife) once. this hands-off approach is a far better way to run this type of non-competitive game. it DID NOT NEED a game balance patch WHATSOEVER...
发布于 2022 年 10 月 4 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 1.7 小时
"Mom, can we get The Incredible Machine?"
"Son, we have The Incredible Machine at home."
发布于 2022 年 9 月 5 日。
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有 5 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 3 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 9.2 小时 (评测时 5.7 小时)
This is the perfect game to play right before bed, because it'll sure make you tired.

You're thrilled and immersed and excited for the first 30 minutes of the game. Then... the moment the lackluster rapid-fire text boxes come up, the dilution of the storyline, and the TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE environment that you're put in, you're going to want out. Lucky for you, the game is short.
1/10 storyline. Too many names. No unique characters. The backpack is annoying; the robot's memories that you gather literally don't matter nor should you even care about them. I can't even give the person credit for trying. This game even could've had a better story if they removed every single robot from the game.
This game is worth 5 bucks at best. None of you are going to remember this game in 5 or 10 years, and this will never be a must-play or a 'classic.' This is literally just a game to kill a few hours. The pricetag is pathetic.

The dialogue boxes are not meaningful. You're never truly invested into them.

NOW FINALLY the gameplay... this is a "hold down the jump button and jerk your camera around" game. If this was actually a free-roam game of some sort or allowed you to jump freely, then it would actually be called a game. I feel like I'm playing a cat version of Life is Strange... except... life is strange actually has an amazing storyline and some MINOR puzzles. It's a very polished game as far as the story goes.... what is this? A bunch of robots you don't care about with annoying jump "puzzles" that are hardly rewarding. You NEVER get a feeling of "haha! awesome!" after you do something. Assassins creed and mirror's edge are perfect examples of parkour that gives you fulfillment and awe at awesome mechanics. This game has no walljumps, no curveballs, no wacky and immersive or fun curveballs. Those are all during the first 15 minutes of the game. They just disappear for hours, and hours. You are left feeling empty. This game is blatantly gimmicked HARD for the fact that you're a cat with DECENT/exceptional graphics... let's build on that:
You only have 1-3 meows that you can spam.... not even ones that have different emotion or different tones/loudness/etc based on the progress of the game...
You can't even jump freely or get into places that make you immersed as a cat.
The nap animation is the same exact one throughout the entire game, and it's predictable when you can do that. -IMMERSION. sharpening claws doesn't do anything because you can't even claw anything to begin with, -IMMERSION, you can't roar as a meow, or even do anything above and beyond what the game wants you to do (Which not only IS limited, but feels limited.) This feeling would be okay if the story was awesome.
Your FOV is limited (despite cats having incredible fov). Your hearing is very shallow even though cats can hear far away. There are dark areas and dark rooms even though cats have amazing night vision (ALSO, WHY DOES A ROBOT PROVIDE YOU A FLASHLIGHT CONSIDERING CATS CAN SEE AMAZINGLY IN THE DARK??)
There are SO many problems with this game that aren't thought out, and I think the dev just got carried away with 'I'm gunna make a game where you're a cat!!!' that he forgot that the point of this entirety is that it's supposed to be a video game.
This is blatantly a video game made for children, first-time gamers, or women. The dialogue boxes suck. The sound effects are great one minute with random foliage, then BOOM, 10+ MIN OF TEXTBOXES!! Why are you READING OR COMMUNICATING WITH ANY ROBOTS WHATSOEVER? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO FEEL IMMERSED WITH BEING A CAT?
This is the biggest waste of $30 I've ever had in my life, and I sincerely just wanted to give this game a chance.

I'm not one to fight the world on something, but I think every single person that rates this game "overwhelmingly positive" has incredibly low standards for what it is for something to be a "game." Story sucks. Jumping sucks. Little/no fun after the first hour or two. Puzzles start to suck. Game is super boring. Can't jump to certain areas that you should clearly be able to. Cyberpunk twist is totally unnecessary. Storytelling gets lazy. Too many character names. Music BLOWS during this entire game from start to finish; not one good song with a fitting environment (also makes the music collection in the beginning totally pointless). Backpack/pocket robot shouldn't be a thing. Flashlight is totally not needed and removed even more immersion. Headcrab things are dumb, with aggressive mechanics to try to provide you the illusion of challenge. Their existence is dumb-- couldn't it have been rats or something? Or some sort of rodents? You can't claw anything despite having sharpened your claws on every rug, every couch, and every door.
This game's design is pathetic and you should honestly feel ashamed of yourself if you sanctify this game as something that is well polished and recommendable for more people to spend their money on.
Even in this review I've named at least 3 other games that are more worth your time than this. If you haven't played Mirror's Edge, go play it and realize the type of jumping mechanics that could've been employed here. No, I'm not looking for a doublebackflipping cat with ninja skills... I'm looking for a game that actually QUALIFIES AS A GAME, that also can provide SOME challenge through it's basic game mechanics & structure. Even Mirror's Edge has a better storyline than this trash.

THE ONE single thing that this game has going for it is that the graphics are amazingly well done, and the beginning of the game gives you hope. That's literally it. Same old jump animations, same old crawling, same old blah blah blah. Game gets stale after an hour or two. This game was either rushed through beta, or the devs spent all their time in the wrong places. Trash "game." Worst story among any game I've played in the last 10-15 years at least.
发布于 2022 年 8 月 19 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
played this "expansion" upon release over a timespan of 3 or 4 days...

people SAID they wanted extra classes, but really didnt.. either that, or the way they were done was terrible. ninja & samurai seem good on paper, but, something about this game did NOT flow together at all... i can't even put my finger on it... was it the engine? was it changed swing times? was it shoddy optimization? who tf knows or cares... after a long-time die hard fan of chiv 1, i played this game for maybe 1 hour, found entertainment, played another 6 hours, and i said yeah to hell with this. this is not content true chiv fans would enjoy. this was an attempt to grab more people with a "new" game/title/release.

in all honesty, this content should have literally been DLC. a +ninja and +samurai to the base game... not a different game or really ANYTHING different at all... i hope to christ chiv 2 is not a complete & entire rework as well.

this game could have been a cherry on top of a sundae... and not a diarrhea milkshake attempting to deliver something "NEW & IMPROVED!!!"

but seriously, all you needed to do was allow 200-500 old chiv 1 fans playtest this game, and they woulda told you it sucked. why not send people beta keys for that kinda stuff??? your community literally IS your game, at the end of the day. we want to you guys to succeed, and we'd loved to have told you how it is and how to make improvements!
发布于 2022 年 6 月 2 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 6 月 2 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 13.3 小时
I have many, many, many, many, many hours on Origin. My steam hours don't represent my hours in this game.

The problem with Knockout City is not within its gameplay. The gameplay can be fun. There are two main problems, in my opinion, about this game:
1) The terrible devs (supported/garnished by EA policy) ban for just about any reason at all. If you say "♥♥♥♥" they will ban you. It happened to me- in my 'club'/clan name. This is some high-tier snowflake ♥♥♥♥. Pathetic. Do you know what an online game is?
2) The terrible devs think its a good idea to put politically-charged/racially-charged avatars in the game. People play games for escapism. I don't want to be having fun in a game and be reminded of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ world around us. Whoever thought it's a good idea to add this ♥♥♥♥ in a game is just pathetic. Do you think you're making some sort of difference by doing this? OR... is it that you want people to represent their political beliefs in-game? If so, add a huge diversity of every political affilitation and background. This is the opposite of equality, it's madness and downright stupid.

A VIDEO GAME.... should not facilitate political representation.... unless it's something comedic like town of salem or something.

This game could've been so much more, but I think this idiocy has skewed their audience significantly. This game is CLEARLY meant for kids with a brainless view on life. With that being said, I did enjoy it... while it was in its baby stages without much content added. Just another game with good potential ruined by beyond terrible decisionmaking. Pathetic. Their "inclusion" techniques are highly distracting, unrealistic, and bizarre.
发布于 2022 年 5 月 4 日。
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