Carrots flying over the sky... and onions are trying to stop them...
But unable to because carrots fly throght them... because onions are actullay an onion rings...
And it is so beautiful that even Mr.Old potato said "Mmmm... Delicious.." and ate an old tree which was nearby.
And then the magical beam was fired from the tower, which was located far away, but used scope to aim and hit the Mr.Potato after he ate the tree and carrots flew through onion rings. And then Mr.Potato exploded into the white mess and all carrots become sad and began to cry.
And then, they turned to the tower and said "Why you have done it... Tower!" . And tower replied "Because I am lone and sad. And I don't have trees to eat near! " And tower became sad.
And carots became sad too. And stopped. But the onions decided to take over them and began their attack. And then carrots were enslaved by evil onion rings and tower became angry.
It unleashed it's powers to defeat the onion rings, but was blocked by evil magic of the Bee, which was flying near. The tower said "No, I must kill the evil onion rings!" And Bee replied "No , you are the onion ring." And then the tower was an onion base.