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Senaste recensioner av Keith_from_IT

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783.1 timmar totalt (525.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's what you make it. To me, it's a virtual reality space simulator. I enjoy the idea of space travel and this is a balanced take between realism and futuristic conveniences. Elite: Dangerous captures the feel of being in a big, empty universe that despite its volume has interesting things to see and discover.
Upplagd 25 mars 2021.
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32.6 timmar totalt (4.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
According to Steam I've played this for 3 hours. Given that, my opinion is that this feels like someone took what was good about M&B and streamlined it. It's reminiscent of going from say, Civilization IV (or really, III) to Civ V. A lot of the tedium is gone (though still a lot there) and it looks a LOT better.

Bottom line, game's fun, repetitive, and buggy. Has a ways to go and devs have made such clear. Looking forward to seeing how it grows but what's available is great if you're a fan.
Upplagd 31 mars 2020.
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12.1 timmar totalt (3.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I waited 8 years (apparently) to play this. It's very hard to look at...at first. Gradually the graphics grow on you despite their age, and the stealth gameplay makes this very fun regardless. Assassinations are fun and like Bioshock or Horizon: Zero Dawn, you're given a variety of tools and abilities that let you approach the game in creative ways.
Upplagd 1 mars 2020.
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26.3 timmar totalt
It's a good SoTN clone, better than anything in the Castlevania series that came after.
Upplagd 9 november 2019.
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10.0 timmar totalt (9.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game deserves all the kudos it's gotten; I've yet to play a game that implements stealth in such a fun and thoughtful way. Most stealth-action games require quick reflexes to succeed, and while this does have its hairy moments Mark of the Ninja allows players to freeze time, plan their actions with various ninja tools and then execute. It's great fun that never gets old throughout the entire story. The challenge also ramps up in a gradual way that keeps things fresh and challenging.
Upplagd 27 juni 2014.
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