It's all fun and games till someone wants to date.
If you're in my friendlist, you're in the friendzone... There is no way out.:partylips:
I don't answer personal questions. :viRage:.

To me losing in a pvp game is just a note of something i need to improve and it makes me want to continue playing, overcoming obstacles and such. Winning just lets me check on my progress. My ultimate goal is always having fun with fair fights and also memeing around sometimes when possible. Losing to cheaters or glitchers is more like some kid needs their "Im not a mistake daily pill" so nothing to be learnt there, you have to just feel bad for them and move on.

If you only play video games to collect participation trophies and you cause drama whenever you stumble with a superior player or you always demanding devs to dumb down the skill gap then please don't add me. it's not me, It's YOU! :rbsuicide:.

I don't waste my time carrying deadweights .

Im not interested in simps. (No exceptions).
Please don't add me to cry about your feelings. (No exceptions).
No, i won't buy you games or anything. (No exceptions).

Sorry if my profile hurted your feelings somehow, but keep in mind that being a deadweight is a personal choice, not a feature. That choice of yours is ruining the "gaming experience" of your team, you let them down and you get mad if anyone says anything about your lack of interest in improving your performance. Again my objective is not to offend you but to let yo know that we won't have fun playing together.

About my drawings:
i prefer drawing cartoons in MS Paint over realistic or chinese style.
I only draw for my own fun, and sometimes over bets. There are many stuff i can't even show here.

That's all you need to know, if you have any other question please Don't
Hello!! welcome to internet!. It looks like you're new around this lands. Here, i'll help you learn some of our E-Language so you can blend while protecting your image at the same time!!.

Gaming Experience: This is the ability to stack a dumb ammount of money in a video game witouth having any sort of enemy harder than a tutorial miniboss.

Griefing: This is when for some reason you convinced yourself that online PvP games are actually cooperative only experiences. Then someone plays the game as intended and decided to damage your character for a reason that doesn't involves making money then it's griefing, make sure to tell the admin about their actions!!.

Im Casual: This is the mantra you repeat while rubbing the genie's lamp. If you do it fast enough the game in question will receive an update reducing it's difficult and adding mechanics to protect you from enemy players.

Casual: A person that claims understanding a game shouldn't be required to achieve victory, they usually gather in crowds chanting their mantra.

Touch some grass: This is the ultimate teabag, after defeating someone you leave and touch the grass with the tip of your fingers repeated times. Sometimes when completly destroying someone in a video game they might tell you to do it, apparently they enjoy humilliations of this sort...but we don't kink shame around here.

Friendly: Someone that gets in a PvP game and refuses attacking other users. They're self proclaimed national treasures and they're completly useless to their team and always gets to tantrum if they find someone performing "Griefing". They usually create threads in forums claiming that if the devs don't protect their safe spaces they will uninstall the game.

Griefer/Sweaty/Tryhard: This is how we call people that spent their time in the game learning how to play instead of making excuses whenever they lose. They're despised because they lost the ability to mix real life with video games.

Toxic: You use this word when someone else says something you don't know what to answer or when someone has a different opinion than yours, it doesn't matter if they're right. Using this word inmediatelly makes everyone else ignore them while at the same time you become a politically correc super hero.

Toxicity: This is when someone in a video game beats you with a mechanic you don't want to learn to counter because you're a "Casual".

Boring: This word describes any strategy related to protect yourself from "Griefers" and stop their "Toxicity". You should never use any of those because you will become one of them.

Learn/Learning/Improving: This are the most offensive words you can type in any gaming forum, sometimes even in real life.

And that's all... You're now a proper member of our E-Society, go get them tigger!!
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