DrawinEna | Enah & Kevin
Kevin   Utah, United States
I am Kevin! who created the Mascot Enah! my other name on here is Zerios (Perfered to call me Kevin!)

"Due to a lockout of my older Steam Account, I am unable to access. However I did buy some games for once, so I will be on this account for now on!"

As of 2022: My steam URL has been changed. so if you want to chat with me. I'd recommend contacting me for my Discord. Whenever I am on Steam, I am pretty much either invisible or offline.

Keep in mind, I am not an very active talker, Expect me to not talk as often as I used too.

Rules on my Profile:
I do NOT give OUT any personal info, things such as Phone, Home Address, Email, or any of my personal identities. I will ignore anything regarding to that.

Please don't spam random words or flood my entire profile with massive amounts of posts like 10 random one word posts. doing so would most like result for a block. If I didn't respond however to a post
that might be a day old. feel free to send another comment to remind me. I do reply often but sometimes I forget. But on the other hand you CAN post more than 1 post when chatting with me on Steam.

Please don't claim any of my characters as your own, this includes my Artworks, Role-Plays (Yes, you should use your own characters to RP aka being yourself.)
and also try to change my characters personality such as them being mates with this or that. It's not good to do so.

I do NOT use Matching Icons, This really messes me up because I have to make a fake account because of that!

Please don't ask me to watch you If I don't know you personally. Pretty soon. I may only accept friend invites from close friends only so enjoy while it lasts.
(Also, If your steam profile is private I will be unable to add you!)
DrawinEna | Enah & Kevin 24 października 2017 o 19:24 
To everyone reading this. I haven't been getting on Steam a lot lately. mainly because I have been more into Discord than steam itself. Now these days I only use steam If I want to play a game (Whatever reason possible) or I want to run a Program on Steam that I need to use. But other than that I have been losing activity here.

So If you want to talk with me more. Chat with me and hit me up on Discord.