Mi personalidad entera se basa en un personaje de Tarantino, en un comunista resentido con poderes escrito por Brandon Sanderson y en un autista que conduce protagonizado por Ryan Gosling
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The letter that broke my heart :/
My dear Arthur,

You never showed up, and now, after looking at the newspapers I understand why. I don't imagine you will receive this letter but I nonetheless must send it. Arthur, oh, Arthur. I was just starting to dream the silliest and softest of dreams. I miss you, and I will always miss you but I cannot live like that, and it seems you cannot live any other way.

When I'm with you, the world makes sense; but when we are apart, I see clearly that your world is not a world from which one can escape. I'm so sorry, for everything, for everything long ago and for starting up that business again. There's a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a giant. And the giant... wins, time and again. You've broken my heart, again, and I fear I have broken yours.

For that, I will never forgive myself but you must let me go now. I enclose a ring you gave me many years ago, when we were both young, not because I don't like it, but because I care for it far too much and it reminds me too much of you. I hope, one day... you will find some people in love who can use this, for it kept me thinking of you all these years, and I hope by returning it to you I can finally be free.

Goodbye, Mary
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𝕯𝖔𝖔𝖒 9 Oct, 2024 @ 4:01pm 
Hola, me parecio muy bueno tu perfil, pero algo en su redaccion y estetica me generaba una sensacion rara. Para ponerte un poco en contexto, yo soy ingeniero naval con un posgrado en sexologia, asi que analicé tu perfil, le di vueltas a la cuestión un buen rato, y por fin llegué a una conclusión: Eres un homosexual reprimido. Seguramente mi diagnostico no te sorprenda, pero sentis mucha verguenza por tus deseos. Para tu tranquilidad, quiero que sepas que ser homosexual no tiene nada malo, y hoy en dia, la sociedad acepta e integra a la gente como vos. Te recomiendo que charles esta situacion con tus seres queridos, y finalmente salgas del closet para vivir una vida plena.
Espero haber sido de ayuda.
Saludos, y no dudes en consultarme
MR. POPO 25 Jul, 2023 @ 2:49pm 
Gordito queseo te fuiste traumado con la cogida que te di. Anda a agarrar el techo de chapa que se te vuela con el viento de Agosto
(BOT)Bimonio𝓹𝓮𝓮𝓴 4 Jun, 2023 @ 5:25pm 
kelseo boton
dzu 23 Nov, 2018 @ 7:31pm 
dzu 23 Nov, 2018 @ 7:29pm 
cuchame pibe, soy yo el on-line's de aquella vez q te bloqueo, agregame, para...

para no se ekide, no quiero perder amigos ekide :,v acepta porfavor toy sad :,v
. 13 Nov, 2018 @ 6:17am 