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Zamieszczono 21 grudnia 2019 o 12:10

Want to kill giant ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monsters and look at a beautiful fantasy sight of a world or place that will never exist?, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ try it.
-It can be a little grindy, so do investigations to get more rewards and make that armor and weapon you want.
-USE ITEMS, use your slinger, use that flash bomb, use that trap, mount that monster, make them chase you, use bombs when they sleep, use dung slinger... You are a DAMN HUNTER. So start thinking like one to make the game 10 times easier.
-Study the damn monster and know their weakness. where to hit them, what element damage to use, what weapon and where to fight them.
-Look at your hunter notes. Tells you EVERYTHING, weapon combos, monster parts, resources and so on!
-More than anything... Explore in expeditions, take in the sight cause... You are not a dumb kid sitting behind a screen, you are a "Monster Hunter".
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