Kasie Bell   San Diego, California, United States
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein
7 Reasons You Should Get a Pet
Pets require attention and dedication, but those are small prices to pay for the amount of physical and mental benefits they bring into our lives. If you are debating getting a pet, then the following reasons you should have pets will likely have you heading out and searching for your next furry (or not furry) addition to your home.

1. They Reduce Stress

It has become very apparent that stress affects our mental and physical health and, sadly, our world has become more stressful than ever. We live in a face-paced world that demands our attention and can easily wear us out. There are certain methods to reduce stress, but one of the best is to own a pet. Pets provide support like a best friend because they are always available to listen (without judgement), which can help you unload after a hectic day. Talking out issues can help you see the situation differently, let out some steam, and feel more relaxed. Moreover, when you are feeling stressed, there is nothing like a sweet pair of eyes that instantly attract your focus and help you get your mind off the thoughts and emotions that are causing the stress. Pets need to be handled, fed, and loved, so you don’t have time to sit and stew in a negative place; you have better things to do.

2. Provide Constant And Loving Companionship

People are not always around when you need them, but pets are. They are constantly giving off love and gratitude, and they are happy to be in your presence. You can be yourself around pets. You can dance silly or talk silly, and they will not judge you. In fact, depending on the pet they will love the silliness and get silly themselves. Of course, unconditional love like that is a good stress reliever, but constant companionship with a loving being has been shown to improve health in many other ways. Studies have shown that it boosts your immune system, improves heart health, reduces physical pain, and improves mental health as well. One man with Lupus swears that the cat he received after his diagnosis was what kept him going for 21 years with little pain, good mental health, and very few physical issues. Even though his cat has passed on, he still says that his love for that cat is keeping him strong and healthy. That’s a testament to the power of true love that animals have.

3. Provide Entertainment

Pets are a great source of entertainment. They are living creatures that have habits, quirks, and personalities that can keep you laughing for hours. Dogs, cats, and birds are probably most known for having distinct personalities; however, one snake owner I knew swore that her snake had his own unique personality. He ‘cuddled’ with her and got excited when he came into the room, and she would often put him in the bathtub where he would do all sorts of silly things. The best part is that pet’s personalities can distract you from issues you are having, cause you to engage in more heart-healthy laughter, and keep boredom away.

4. Gives You Something To Be Responsible For

No matter what type of pet you get, it will require you to take care of it. Being responsible for another living being can help you be more responsible in the rest of your life too. This is especially true for kids who are learning the value of routine and good habits. However, adults can benefit from the consistent responsibility as well.

5. Teaches You To Be More Compassionate

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama . We need more compassion in our lives, both self-compassion and compassion towards others. Owning a pet who depends on you for survival, good health, and happiness, can definitely cause you to become a more compassionate person. You have to look outside of your own wants and needs, and look into their wants and needs. And, more importantly, you have to take action on their wants and needs!For example, you may want to watch TV all day, but if you own a dog and see the desperation in their eyes to go for a walk, choosing to understand their need to burn energy off and get out into the world becomes less of an option and more of an act of kindness. You can easily extend your ability for compassion to other people and the world around you, and that benefits everything in your life. For yourself, the benefits of having compassion are less stress, more awareness, more accountability, and an overall happier life. For others, the benefits of having compassion are a better world to live in or a better outlook of their day.

6. Increases Your Ability To Read Nonverbal Communication

A pet cannot speak, so you have to be able to read their cues and body language. You will be amazed at how this ability can transfer into your daily life with other people.It is said that almost 90% of communication is nonverbal. Having a good grasp on it can help you have better relationships both in your personal and work life. This can benefit your happiness and financial future. For instance, males tend to react the same whether they are a dog or a person. Dominant males will posture around other males and try to make themselves look tougher and intimidating. Understanding this can help you recognize a dominant personality and deal with it in a way that makes them feel validated. And that can earn you big points when it comes to moving up the corporate ladder!

7. Pets Can Sense Danger

We all know that dogs will bark when they sense someone near the house, and that can be very good for home security; however, pets can sense far more than just a stranger. Just a few examples are:

– A parrot in Florida squawked and flapped so loudly that the family woke up before fire detectors went off, and they escaped a fire.
– A dog in New Jersey, with a spinal condition, pulled himself up the stairs and alerted his sleeping family about a fire.
– A pet snake in China alerted his sleeping owner of a fire by grabbing the owner’s clothes with his teeth and whipping the bed with his tail.

You can find tons of heartwarming stories like this on this on the Internet. No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don’t always have, and a pet just may save your life!
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10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Man’s Best Friend

o put it simply, dogs are awesome. Whether they’re begging for your food, barking at their leash to convince you to take them on a walk, or simply greeting you when you get home, dogs do all of the little things that put smiles on faces around the world. What are some of the more endearing reasons why dogs are and always will be man’s best friend? Read on…

1. Dogs have terrible short-term memories.

One of the crappier aspects of human friends is that, generally speaking, they remember all of the times you’ve wronged them and will hold it against you for the rest of their lives. Dogs, on the other hand, have the “gift” of poor memory. That means you can mess with their tail, play keep away with their food, and tug on their ears to your heart’s content, even if it annoys them. You get to have your fun, and your dog will forget all about it and treat you like their best bud within a couple minutes! It’s truly one of the only win-win scenarios in life.

2. Dogs have great long-term memories.

While your pooch will forget you pulling on their tail, they won’t forget the connection they share with you, and, if you are good to them, you will leave a lasting impact on them that they’ll never shake off. Take, for instance, my dachshund Chester. From a young age he was babied by my mom, and now, nearly twelve years later, he never leaves her side. Unfortunately this sort of thing goes both ways, as I used to mess with him quite a bit on a consistent basis (actually I don’t think it had anything to do with me; he’s just too attached to my mom to like anyone else), and so nowadays he barks in my general direction whenever words of any sort come forth from my mouth.

3. Dogs have your back.

Even though my dog Chester isn’t exactly a huge fan of me, he’ll still take me over strangers. Now, when a dog actually likes me (like my dog Sally does), they’ll defend you even more vehemently. Whenever a creepy solicitor or girl scout cookie peddling entrepreneur knocks on your door, your dog will be right there beside you barking at them as you tremble behind a corner, too afraid to answer. Of course, this can go a little overboard, like this one time when the UPS guy showed up and tried to put a box on my porch, only to be chased away by three dogs rushing out to defend the homeland. Understandably, he now leaves packages by the front gate instead.

4. Dogs can mimic your emotions.

Based on the tone of your voice and your body language, your dog will do its darnedest to emulate your current state of mind. When you’re sad, they’ll look at you with big doe eyes. When your angry, the fur will rise on their backs and they’ll start barking and growling at inanimate objects. Whereas humans might not respond to your emotional upswings and downswings in a way that you’d prefer, dogs will always be there whether you’re thrilled, depressed, or anywhere in between.

5. Dogs act as mini-dishwashers.

Ok, that sounds a little gross, but hear me out. Ever finish dinner and have too little food on your plate to save, but too much that it’d be a hassle to wash it in the sink? Well, here’s where your dog comes in! Just hand the plate over and let them polish it off. They’ll be happy, and you’ll have an easier time doing the dishes!

6. Dogs are great motivational tools.

In case you’re afraid that using your dog as a dishwasher will lead to them becoming overweight, fear not. Dogs prefer being active, at least when they’re younger. Make use of their abundance of energy and take them on walks, or, if you are super ambitious, runs! They’ll be tuckered out and supremely amused, and you’ll be on track to becoming a healthier person!

7. Dogs are freaking smart!

Intelligence varies depending on the kind of breed you get, but overall, dogs are some of the most intuitive animals around. This is demonstrated by their multiple facial expressions (I especially like the one where they tilt their head and look at you quizzically), their ability to deviously hide toys in the strangest of places, and more. One of my dogs is a miniature schnauzer, and he cracks me up with how smart he is. I have a few tennis balls by my desk (which I don’t use for tennis; I just toss em in the air whenever I’m concentrating), and he knows this. So, what he does is go on little reconnaissance missions into my room. If I’m in there, he pretends to look out my window or inspect my bed, while simultaneously stealing a few glances at my tennis balls (which usually lay haphazardly on the floor). Then, he’ll leave, but only after making a mental checklist of where the balls are. Later in the day, or it could even be several days later, I’ll go downstairs and see him happily chewing at one of my tennis balls, a mischievous look in his eye as he gazes up at me. It’s hilarious every time! He planned a stealth mission, waited for me to leave my room, retrieved the ball, and escaped without me noticing. Sounds like he should be made an honorary Navy Seal…

8. Dogs won’t allow you to eat alone ever again.

Who wants to eat alone? Sure it’s nice sometimes, but even as an introvert I’ll admit to liking a nice dinner with other people (only if I enjoy their company of course). Well, fear not, because if you have a dog you’ll always have company for dinner. Of course, they’ll be sitting by your knee, panting in your face, asking for your food, but it’s company all the same! Recently I went to go eat alone in my room, when I heard a distinct huffing and puffing outside my door. Turns out my 14 year old dachshund Sally had dragged her fat little body all the way up two flights of stairs to be there while I ate (presumably because she expected me to give her some of my Chinese food — oh and by the way she looked exactly like the corgi pictured in the above gif). After you’ve had a dog, it’s difficult to eat without the incessant barking in the background!

9. Dogs won’t leave you hanging.

Ever make plans with a human friend, only to find out that they canceled at the last minute? Well, no need to worry about that when you have a dog. They don’t know how to use phones, as far as I know, so there’s no reason to fear them calling up the neighbor’s poodle to see if they want to hit up some local bars, abandoning you to your TV and a paltry, lonesome microwave dinner. They’re there for you, and you alone!

10. Dogs know how to live.

To put it simply, dogs behave like humans who aren’t concerned about the more ridiculous aspects of sentient existence. For example, paying the bills, getting an education, running errands, dealing with annoying people all of the time, etc. All they want to do is wake up, say hi to you, run around, play with their toys, eat, nap, eat again, nap again, say hi again, and sleep. Is that so bad?! Sure, we humans have certain responsibilities thanks to our “intelligence,” but it sure would be nice if we could all go through life like dogs; care free and completely sure of ourselves. At the very least, if you have a dog, you can live vicariously through them. As long as you know what you’re getting into, it’s totally worth it!
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Rotta 12. bře. 2017 v 16.25 
+rep I want to trade for your karambit!
stefvn 11. bře. 2017 v 10.23 
+rep plus what kind of help you need :D
.Stol 10. bře. 2017 v 10.17 
ryugen 10. úno. 2017 v 5.24 
r 22. říj. 2016 v 19.30 
Nice guy polite person +MEGARep
ɛrdɛM♕🆂 21. říj. 2016 v 6.50 
+rep friendly