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4.7 hodin za poslední dva týdny / 1,688.5 hodin celkem (483.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Odeslána: 26. lis. 2020 v 6.17
Naposledy upravena: 11. led. 2023 v 13.32

I absolutely love this game and will probably continue to play it till time immemorial and I've indoctrinated probably a dozen people into getting this game.
However I've reached a point where I can't play a single game without encountering at least a single painfully irritating bug;
due to a mix of what I can only describe as poor development choices, bugs and removal of QoL features or a mix between these.

Removal of QoL/fun
-Removal of the ability to continuously hold interact to pick up and then deposit/attach carryable items
You now have to tap interact twice, which sucks, when there are 3+ items you have to interact with back to back.
-Removal of Impact Axe collision.
You used to be able to find creative ways to mountain goat with them.
-Removal of fast rock toss
You used to be able to flick your view and let go of carryable items to throw them across caves.
-Dice slapping speed limit

Annoying bugs
-Laser pointer toggle bug
Laser pointer toggles after certain actions, very annoying when trying to grapple hook with Scout and move at a fast pace.
-Dropping the Shield Generator not working as before
Is bugged as of recently and you can only throw it with a single click after being in hand for a while
-Power attacks hitting nothing or getting cancelled by swapping weapons too early.
-Flare Gun flares running out immediately after firing and thus wasting ammo.
-The game prioritising interacting with certain things over others
Such as repairing a pipeline instead of reviving teammates, this sometimes results in too much time being wasted and not being able to res.
-Grappling Hook getting cancelled and put on cooldown because a tiny piece of terrain touches you in a funny way.
-Getting launched by terrain randomly and taking massive damage/dying.
-Individual mods randomly get enabled/disabled.
-Mod presets don't work half the time
Someone literally made a mod preset mod.
-I think this has been fixed now but a while ago the sensitivity on the Y axis was slower in the space rig and only worked correctly in-game when you had X and Y unlinked.
-In-game fps limited provides worse frame times than RTSS limiter.
-Aquarqs/ minimule legs drop after trying to carry them immediately after digging them up
-Aquarqs don't get thrown and just fall to the ground
-animation cancelling leadburster throwing animation with laserpointer leads to invisible leadburster being thrown
potential accidental double throws becaues there's no visual or auditory indication besides the ammo counter

Poor development choices
-Minor hotfixes break mods for weeks at a time; mods that enhance the game greatly.
-Modding categories are weirdly restrictive and fun mods randomly seem to be locked away in Sandbox while others that drastically change gameplay are in Approved.
-Multiplayer networking and general game performance getting worse with every patch; I used to be able to run this game on relatively high settings and get close to my monitors 240hz, now I have mods that disable particles and I can't even reach that.

-Balancing shadow nerfs/ incomplete or ridiculously vague/misleading patchnotes*
Doesn't matter how long it's been a part of the game, nothing is safe
-Every time I see a patch my heart sinks because I fear they'll remove even more fun Overclock variety from the game.
-(Bulldog w/ Six Shooter) having everything that made it good in the first place removed.
-(Breach Cutter w/ Return to Sender) don't even remember what this was.
-(Coilgun w/ Hellfire) having its trail duration cut in half
No longer useful enough to justify taking over (Bulldog w/ Volatile Bullets), was basically not worth it anyway, just fun.
No longer a discount CRSPR Flamethrower
-(Shard Diffractor w/ Plastcrete Catalyst) goes on cooldown after every detonation
I don't get why this is a thing, it slows you down ever so slightly but punishes players that can combo/aim well.
This is also bugged and I was able to keep the pre nerf combination if I don't touch my Engineer loudouts;
as well as this I can reset it by swapping to an older save and back.
-(Stubby w/ EM Turret Discharge) discharge on relocated unbuilt turrets removed; this was a shadow nerf.
These things get removed but you can still have a fast M1 tapping macro for the minigun that gives it enough DPS to insta kill dreadnoughts;
As well as Sticky Fuel with the unrivaled crowd clear champion becaues everything else just gets nerfed

-weapon overclock grind takes ~5 months and you can only progress at a fixed rate
So many times have I wanted to do mirrored loadouts with my friends but none of them actually have the overclocks and will probably never have them.
Most weapon overclocks are completely useless and out of the 5-7 each weapon will have 1-2 may be viable, extending the grind further

-Praetorean spit randomly hitting/missing when in/out of range.
going 110 degrees through walls to grab you.
This is mostly funny and not really an issue.
Leeches, buggy as they are, also being inescapable after grabbing means Heightened Senses is way more useful than it has any right to be.
-The season 3 enemies reuse a lot of already existing mechanics or designs as opposed to the Season 1 and 2 ones.
*-Patrol bot speed was "slightly" reduced yet they're so slow now that they basically pose no threat.

-missed out on season pass items are trudged onto the overclock pile never to be seen again for most
boy do I love beards with gems and metal

Won't format this properly for a while
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