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Análises recentes de Kaldaien

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229.5 hrs em registo (14.4 horas no momento da análise)
I feel it's time to amend this review. The developers did some fantastic work turning the state of this port around, I genuinely am impressed. I wish more games had this kind of post-launch improvement.

Definitely pick this game up.

This port is a mess. Some fundamentally poor decisions, such as a D3D12 flip model swapchain with only 2 backbuffers, and HDR that forgot the definitions of high and range.

How the hell did they think HDR was going to work with an 8-bit swapchain? It should be 10-bit UNORM or preferably 16-bit FP, but they went with 8-bit UNORM. I have never seen that, nor cared to try doing it because it is ridiculous.

Probably skip this, until the paid beta is over.

With that said, I can offer a bit of hope for people with frame pacing trouble.

Special K's support for D3D12 is very limited, but the important stuff (its framerate limiter + swapchain sequencing) work with a few simple INI edits.

Publicado a 8 de agosto de 2020. Última alteração: 24 de junho de 2021.
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215.3 hrs em registo (141.7 horas no momento da análise)
Game had a rough launch, with a 32-bit executable that was not even Large Address Aware and DPI scaling problems. I am happy to see ATLUS fixed both of those issues in the first beta patch, it's refreshing to see issues I pointed out actually fixed by the first-party and so quickly (granted said issues are simple to fix, it's still more than most JRPG publishers do).

Harder to fix, will be some extreme D3D11 API overhead (DXVK can help) and severe motion blur caused by the game's lighting model. Special K is capable of lessening (by drawing at 2x refresh rate) or eliminating (by disabling multi-frame lighting) the motion blur, and it's not clear whether ATLUS will officially do anything about this issue or whether SK's plug-in will remain necessary for people sensitive to the motion blur problem.

Nonetheless, it's great to see this franchise land on PC and receiving post-launch support from the dev/publisher.

Hopefully Persona 5 + Special K HDR is a thing that happens; its art style begs for HDR and it did not get it with P5 Royale on PS4 :(
Publicado a 6 de julho de 2020.
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105.0 hrs em registo (69.0 horas no momento da análise)
Very enjoyable platformer, not completely ported to this platform yet.

HDR, wherefore art thou?
The PC version currently lacks support for HDR, which is almost a crime for games with this art style. The experience is improved dramatically by either playing the Xbox One X version w/ HDR or by using my unofficial HDR mod.

Prior to this game, Special K did not support retrofitting Unity engine games with HDR. Unity engine has so many technical problems I generally stay as far away as possible, but HDR was desperately needed here. 2 months post-launch, HDR is still not in the official port of the game, so if you want to play this in HDR Special K is a must.

Game has minor stuttering problems without Special K's Flip Model + Framerate Limiter + Sleepless Window Thread features, but this is true of all Unity engine games.
Publicado a 10 de maio de 2020.
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13 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
54.0 hrs em registo (46.0 horas no momento da análise)
One hell of a game.
Publicado a 25 de março de 2020.
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47.6 hrs em registo (10.3 horas no momento da análise)
Performance is a bit wishy-washy, but I am willing to forgive these issues and see through to the underlying game. There is a ton of potential here and all it would take is a bit of optimization work and general polish and this would pass for a AAA game from a few years ago.

A full review and any updates on performance if I wind up modifying this game will follow after I have had more time to play the game. This is definitely a game to watch.
Publicado a 10 de setembro de 2019.
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35 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
92.3 hrs em registo (0.8 horas no momento da análise)
My first review was deleted, so let us try this again!

The game has a number of serious flaws in its graphics settings. The engine does not actually consult the graphics driver to ensure that the game is running at the requested resolution or refresh rate. It assumes that if it asks for one thing, it got that one thing. This is terrible because that's also what the end-user expects, if they see the graphics settings claiming the game is running at 3840x2160 @98 Hz, they're going to expect that is in fact what the game is running at and should never in a million years be expected to have to confirm this by consulting the signal information buried in their monitor's OSD or using third-party software.

The game defaults to 120 Hz irrespective of the desktop setting. This is a real no-no; my monitor supports 144, 120, 98, 82, 60, 30 and 24 Hz. I run my desktop at 98 Hz because that is the highest refresh rate that can do 4K 10-bit color without chroma subsampling. All other graphics engines are smart enough to look at my desktop's refresh rate and use that as default. This one, on the other hand, ignores the desktop setting and insists that 120 Hz is what I want -- it isn't, I don't want RGB 4:2:2 artifacts.

Worst of all, due to the game using NvAPI for HDR rather than DXGI, HDR has several problems that simply would not exist if the more portable (vendor agnostic, anyway) API were used. When asked to disable HDR by the game, NvAPI will actually turn it off at the system-wide level (meaning DWM HDR gets turned off). NvAPI doesn't turn HDR back on when the game quits and now you're dealing with a game that changes a system-wide setting. Don't buy software that does this, it's completely unacceptable.
Publicado a 13 de março de 2019. Última alteração: 13 de março de 2019.
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179.2 hrs em registo (135.9 horas no momento da análise)
Do not buy this game, Ubisoft has inept moderators.

Special K is now "malicious software" and anyone who links to it will be permanently banned.
Publicado a 14 de outubro de 2018. Última alteração: 15 de outubro de 2018.
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90.3 hrs em registo (73.8 horas no momento da análise)
Excellent all-around experience.

I hope that Nixxes eventually improves the performance of the D3D11 renderer, because I found the game's HDR to be a bit disappointing. I had to modify the game in its D3D11 renderer to improve HDR image quality, but the net result is lower performance in some scenes :-\ I do not have time to develop my framework to support D3D12 at the moment, but I'm more than qualified to improve the game's HDR implementation.

Non-HDR users go ahead and play the D3D12 version, you'll get the superior experience.
Publicado a 30 de setembro de 2018.
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Esta análise foi banida por um moderador do Steam por violar os Termos de Serviço do Steam. Não poderá ser alterada pelo autor.
14 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
8 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
163.5 hrs em registo (21.1 horas no momento da análise)
(Texto da análise oculto)
Publicado a 4 de setembro de 2018. Última alteração: 5 de setembro de 2018.
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24 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
107.2 hrs em registo (106.6 horas no momento da análise)
Highly underrated game; I am going to be putting a fair bit of work into polishing this thing off. It deserves the TLC, and the port itself is very respectable.

I have a few technical issues I need to convey to SEGA, I'll keep the review updated if SEGA's willing to work with (some publishers have and I would love to be able to say SEGA's one of the good ones).


Also, since I'm the resident Denuvo shill? (lol). This game does not have Denuvo, anyone who tells you otherwise is mistaken. No shipping version of the game ever did.
Publicado a 31 de agosto de 2018.
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