Kakoko Kakiki
"What can it do? Well, it can do many things. It can build a bridge for example. That's cool, right? People need bridges. They need it for the beautiful view, and of course, to cross the river."

"Yeah... Build a bridge. It can also do other things like build a park, stop time, color a wall. Amazing isn't it?.. Who would have thought!"
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Crash 9月16日 0時02分 
Hey, I have been checking games collectors group on steam and have seen your account, added you to trade some humble bundle extras, maybe fanatical stuff, I can offer some games from your wishlist for a few old bundled games I am looking for
taintedwheat 2019年6月6日 13時28分 
Thanks for the add o:
taintedwheat 2019年6月5日 12時03分 
Hi owo
Raven 2017年11月17日 8時46分 
nice profile
HoSTeL 2017年9月2日 12時19分 
:sr4eagle:9월달에도 찾아오는 호스텔!:sr4eagle:

:r6atk:벌써 9월이군요! 엊그제 같은 방학도 다지나가버렸네요 ㅠ:r6atk:

:td_Mask:9월달에는 행복하고 즐거운늘만 가득하세요!:td_Mask:

:2016gameingame:날씨도 많이 싸늘해졌으니 감기조심하시고요!:2016gameingame:

:medkit:그럼! 요번 9월! 잘보내시고! 감기조심하세요! 즐거운주말보내세요!:medkit:
💙 2017年8月25日 21時05分 
Have a nice weekend !