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投稿日: 2020年12月14日 4時27分
更新日: 2021年3月31日 9時47分

As of Patch 1.2 I am happy to say this game is running smoothly and amazing, I have a few mods running, including a Reshade. I am running the game on a semi high end rig (look at my profile) and I am running settings at Medium / High / Ultra (A lot of settings like shadows I turn down or motion blur hence the medium settings)

The patches fixed A LOT of the issues. I think if they did another 10gb patch JUST for performance it would be what we got promised, at the moment I am getting 80 fps on a mixture of Medium/ high / ultra, with RTX on Medium and DLSS on balance, playing at 1440p and there are hardly to no stutters or fps drops. DO NOT listen to the haters on the forums or on here. Trust me this game is worth it. Its not the Developers fault that this game was rushed out, even though it was delayed. The suits (Investors etc) wanted this game out before it was done, so DO NOT BLAME CDPR FOR THIS GAME, BLAME THE RICH IDIOTS WHO WANT PRODUCTS RUSHED SO THEY GET THEIR $$$$$
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