Shikisoku Zekuu
Yuki Rito   Sansai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
家内安全 - kanai anzen - please keep my family from harm
空即是色 - kuusoku zeshiki - emptiness is form, illusion of the reality of matter
色即是空 - shikisoku zekuu - nothing stays forever
諸行無常 - shogyou mujou - all worldly things are transitory
輪廻転生 - rinne renshou - reincarnation, transmigration of souls, the endless cycle of birth, death and
Shikisoku Zekuu 12. aug. 2020 kl. 5:31 
家内安全 - kanai anzen - please keep my family from harm
空即是色 - kuusoku zeshiki - emptiness is form, illusion of the reality of matter
色即是空 - shikisoku zekuu - nothing stays forever
諸行無常 - shogyou mujou - all worldly things are transitory
輪廻転生 - rinne renshou - reincarnation, transmigration of souls, the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth
Astear 9. mar. 2020 kl. 13:30 
illya_PONPON 23. apr. 2016 kl. 15:08 
kanopi 15. jan. 2015 kl. 5:46 