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1 av 18 (6%) prestationer uppnådda:
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Sell your first mushroom
Upplåst 7 mar @ 15:23

See that mountain?

You can climb it!

Path of Victory

Win the mushroom picking contest

The Search Is Over

Find all 35 mushroom species

Free Bird

Drive over 300 km/h

Here in my car

Collect all 7 vehicles


Deliver all packages to the top of the mountain and talk to Basia

Big Smoke

Step on a puffball mushroom


Get 4000 points in the competition

Just Can't Get Enough

Pick up 500 mushrooms

Night fever

Pick a mushroom between midnight and 3:00 AM

Clean my ride

Wash your car in a car wash

One with nature

Complete the ranger's hay delivery quest

Write Me a Letter

Deliver a letter as a mailman

The Cake of Truth

Eat a piece of cream cake

Terminal Velocity

Drive over 100 km/h with a motorcycle


Rent a room in a hotel

Slippery business

Win the competition by selling only slippery jacks and velvet bolete mushrooms