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Recenzii recente de JunglePredator

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Se afișează 1-10 din 87 intrări
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25.6 ore înregistrate (4.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Pretty basic game; barely worth the $2 I paid for it.

Art looks like AI crap, game play is poor man's match 3.

Only bought it for the christmas lights animated frame; if you're not into profile assets... skip it.
Postat 2 ianuarie.
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Needs work; the Nightdive remaster is much better.
Postat 28 noiembrie 2024.
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28.7 ore înregistrate (7.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
With a few technical problems being the worst part of the game currently, this game is still one of the best open world shooters on the market.
Once the growing pains of supporting 50,000 different computer configurations is done there is no doubt that Stalker will enter legendary status like the original entry into the market.
Postat 27 noiembrie 2024.
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Lots of weird design choices. This seems to be the way of THQ lately for some reason. It's a good thing the demo exists as it's going to stop a refund storm when people realise the game is 'meh' at best.

Sheety combat system, overly long periods of being unable to actual control the character & what's with the black & white?
Player character spoken lines are way too quiet compared to the racket of enemies like those screaming things you first meet.
The demo feels cheap.

Wait for a deep sale before buying the actual game.
Postat 6 septembrie 2024.
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F you & your greed.
Postat 1 august 2024.
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Contains always online DRM & doens't say it in the system requirements.
Should be banned for false advertising.
Postat 28 mai 2024.
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Always online DRM.

Activision is not a good company.
Postat 17 mai 2024.
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Front Mission 1st: Remake started out as an 'ok' game. Not great, not horrible.
The main reason it was ok is because Forever Entertainment got lucky & was able to get the go head to use an IP that had established itself, decades ago, as a premier series to play. If the game had been solely Forever Entertainment's creation there is no doubt it would have been a horrible product.
Front Mission 1st: Remake, however, has changed from 'ok' to 'pretty meh; skip it & buy from a better company'. The reason for this is quite simple... Forever Entertainment has changed the main menu into an advertising platform for whatever 'next great product' they choose to spam players with... oddly always the next Forever Entertainment product to come out. Along with Forever Entertainment's bad attitude towards customers (such as demanding fans not ask about games they like under threat of being banned, not assisting with game problems because it's always 'must be your computer', etc.) it means the under laying quality of the original Front Mission is no longer enough to save this very meh remake & sets a poor expectation for the future of any Forever Entertainment remake.
From cartoonish art for pilot profile pictures, low quality textures for world objects, to the ad(s) on the main menu everything about this remake says 'give just enough effort that we can cash in on a well known series name'.
The long & short of if is... skip the game & spend your money on a better turn based grid game like Banner Saga. If you must buy this for some reason... buy it on a deep deep sale for like $5 local currency.
Postat 2 mai 2024.
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Uses central server DRM. Avoid like the plague.
Postat 23 noiembrie 2023.
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3.9 ore înregistrate (3.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Requires a consistent internet connection, even if you're just playing against the AI.
Always online DRM always deserves a thumbs down.
Postat 12 septembrie 2023.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 87 intrări