Certified Sigma Male Σ   Finland
50% misanthropist, 50% philanthropist.
100% Certified Sigma Male Σ

For the longest time I didn't buy the DVD propaganda. It wasn't until I watched my first DVD film that I got hooked and decided to go DVD only. As I was thinking about replacing my current VHS collection, a thought hit me. Will DVD get so popular that it replaces VHS?

I know it won't completely do away with it (you can still find cassettes and records too), but I still see such small DVD ailes at stores. DVD is an expensive luxury for most people. They can't see spending $20 on a movie just to get outtakes and a crisp picture. Of my peers, I'm one of the few that has taken the DVD plunge, leaving my VCR for any movies I may rent.

As DVD catches on, it's inevitable that it'll one day dominate. But what about the next format that replaces it? I would hate to just have a DVD collection started and then have to go to SUPERDVD or whatever. Maybe if the new format will read DVDs too, that'd be great.
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
Railway Empire
Taideteos esittelyssä
Arvostelujen esittely
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 52 tuntia
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
yhteensä 36 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.5.
yhteensä 15,6 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.5.
Leaf 18.2. klo 11.23 
Exceedingly good boy :praiseham:
NightGoat 13.10.2023 klo 16.03 
Least drunk Finn :steamhappy:
NightGoat 20.9.2023 klo 13.43 
the dog ;33
Juhius 7.9.2023 klo 13.27 
meathead moment :btd6thumbsup:
NightGoat 7.9.2023 klo 13.22 
He likes meat and heads or something :hunter0:
DEADNOTE 20.8.2023 klo 6.39 
yo do not stole Quiet! Reupload without explicit permission at thief fraudulent disclaimers!