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Posted: 2 Nov, 2023 @ 6:22am
Updated: 2 Nov, 2023 @ 6:22am

TOS 1 objectively better
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Developer response:
shapesifter13  [developer] Posted: 3 Nov, 2023 @ 6:00pm
What did you like more about ToS1?
shapesifter13  [developer] 14 Nov, 2023 @ 2:16pm 
The idea behind removing the Mafia is that this is Town of Salem, the Witch Trials. Mafia doesn't make the most sense, but we did manage to retain almost every Mafia mechanic as a Coven role(RIP Hypnotist).

What mechanics do you find the most complicated?

Gamethrowing will always be possible, but we don't want to limit cool things too much just because some people could abuse it. It's a hard balancing act to have cool fun things, and there be 0 abuse cases. One thing I will say is don't confuse making a mistake with gamethrowing. A Deputy or Pros that uses there ability D2 is not gamethrowing by itself. It may not always be smart, but players aren't required to be good to play the game.
JohnOver 10 Nov, 2023 @ 8:23am 
In the first place i dont understand the removal of the entire mafia faction. I understand that you, developers, are trying very hard to make a good game and put alot of effort in this but removing the mafia was like removing something that represented the game. You couldve just made a separate game mode that also included mafia.

In the second place, the whole variety of roles added to the game just made it very complicated. This makes the game even more hard to learn for new players and just removes some fun of it since one role just can simple cancel another one and make it useless (This also happened in TOS 1 but not as often as in 2).
JohnOver 10 Nov, 2023 @ 8:23am 
One more thing i want to say is that game throwing is WAY more easier in ToS 2 since roles like Deputy, Prosecutor or other tpows can just simply kill 2 towns in a single day or make townies lose easily. (its actually quite fun if u dont play as a townie but still annoying)

Other than that i think the game is pretty neat, cool cutscenes, nice design and so on...

I am sorry if i misspelled some words.