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投稿日: 2022年7月28日 1時06分
更新日: 2022年8月2日 8時43分

So I am deciding to make a review even though I wanted to do one at 1000 hours, I LOVED this f*cking game. I met a few REALLY fantastic people on this platform that are just impossible to find on discord or another social platform. This game forces people to talk and interact unlike discord, snapchat, or facebook. It is basically discord but with less admins and mods. There are servers you can join, and in those servers there are instances (equivalent of VC channels) you could join. Except it was nicer because you could move away from some people to have your own conversation but have them still in the world and can go talk to them any time you'd like. It was very nice to roam around but nicer to stay in private servers and relax with a one on one with someone you love or like. It is hard to fit in for a lot of people at first, such as my self in the first 500 hours it felt meh but I finally found my footing and loved the other near 500 hours I spent in game. The concept is beautiful, force people to talk and interact and not type or sit in a vc being forced to listen and talk to everyone else. But my god where there problems with the game outside of private servers.

Now while I was not entirely bothered as it didn't affect me all the time, it was still present and felt the wave of toxicity hit me in the face every time I logged on to the game. Avatar crashing and stealing, visitor trolls, crash groups, children, horny children, horny pedophiles, protective men, no protection of NSFW content so children could use it, people that tried to guilt trip and manipulate you, people that would follow me around personally with CLIENTS and go invisible off the social list and with no esp readable presence according to a few of my friends that would listen to every word I spoke and watched everyone I talked to because I may of accidentally pissed them off after I exposed them and a few of their friends. The amount of people using the site as a dating platform, the amount of the same f*cking anime avatar (you know the one with the XO glasses), the majority of people feeling like they were filler that were making it difficult to find the people you want to find (like any other social platform), the amount of f*cked up content in the game luckily most people never discovered, the amount of other issues I have with the game that I could keep listing but is already getting boring to list every little problem I have. You get the point.

The game from the start should have been 18+ but most of the sales probably come from the little sh*tters that their careless parents buy a quest 2 to get them to occupy them selves and leave their asses alone because if you couldn't tell, most of the kids aren't tamed what so ever and do and say a lot of stupid sh*t. The amount of pedophiles, traffickers, and child p*rn distributors as well as bad influencers and the amount of depression attention seeking ♥♥♥♥♥♥ on the platform are horrible to be fair (just like any other social platform). But they were more present do to the fact that its voice chat only. It's so much easier to find the people you want to find (which is still extremely difficult again like any other social platform but improved slightly) and the lack of passion the developers have in comparison to the devs at chilloutvr and neos even though their platform is clearly the biggest by a long shot, is truly disturbing. They have SOOO much more players and money to mess with than the others but don't do anything with it like any greedy little b*stards that have an edge on a game type (example R* or EA). Do I care modding is gone? No I think its a great thing for ME PERSONALLY because I hated the fact that these other f*cking losers with their modding groups and sh*t as well as sensitive little v*rgins that had cheats that could crash you if they don't like you or want to be toxic depressed c*nts could have control over you so easily. However a lot of people do care and quit because there were lots of people that used clients to improve the game for themselves and had things that the developers never wanted to add. So technically I am not the happiest but also not mad at that portion of this new catastrophic update, I hate the EAC portion.

My god what a horrible move, OH and the game is STILLLLL in "early access" so anytime anyone complained about there being a lack of content or bug fixes they could just say "ohHhH the game is still in EArLy AcCesS". PaY mOnthLy for A F*cKing ProFilE pIctUre aNd UnliMiTed FavOriTes. Oh look we are like 100 times bigger than any other vr social platform but lets be like all the other bigger corps and not give a f*ck about community complaints until people start leaving our platform so we are forced to try harder because people really only want change when they realize how f*cking poorly we ignore everything and need to quickly force more most likely useless content to the game nobody asked for to try and get people back. OH LOOK chilloutvrs player-base multiplied by 70 in the last few days all because we scanned their entire computers and offered less features than a game with like a fraction of a percentage of our player-base. Oh our game is user harassment free (even though that's f*cking impossible) and we have people using our platform to target weaker individuals because their parents and their environment is sh*t and never taught them to mature like 99% of the people on the internet. Seriously with this generation of games and sensitive 2022 aroma plaguing this game on top of the new issue it faces (being itself), it's too much for people to handle and the platform needs to simply die. This is the point where if the game is still early access by the time they attempt to fix this sh*t up then vrchat's prime days are completely over and they are the downfall of themselves and their platform. Every day they waste is everyday thousands of people move to other platforms.

I STILL LIKE THE GAME BUT, EAC is a very lazy way to try and solve blocking mods/cheats from inturrupting the game as its not that difficult for the more experienced cheats to bypass, and at the same time it makes everyone temporarily pissed while moving a large portion of the player-base to competitor titles. And eventually it will become just like GTAV where anti-cheat exists but you need to pay to get a higher tier menu just to play the game and it will eventually become bypassed. So not only because they have no experience in making anti-cheat, resolve to a premade anti-cheat, but on top of that its not going to last long and prevent all cheaters from cheating in game, while pissing off almost the entire player-base and lowering it at the very same time in just a few weeks. What a f*cking stupid idea and complete failure from a leader in its industry for a lounge and chill vr space type social platform/"game". I cant rate any social platform higher than that due to the issue the users bring to it (because vrchat is NOT a game its an interactive social platform).

I will give the game a current 7.9/10 because its still 100% usable but some of my friends quit and the game while it still has all the abusers that don't use clients and use alternatives to manipulate the way the game functions, its only a matter of time before those people take over the game and it becomes another GTAV. A once great now toxic game abusing hell hole of toxicity and greed from the developers. Hopefully it doesn't become that but if it does I will not be surprised. There are too many problems with the game BEFORE this whole crisis of an update and even more problems afterwards, only temporarily solving a majority of cheaters while permanently damaging their reputation. If you can't do something right, then don't rush to make a major "fix" because you'll probably do more harm than good and waste resources and money into something that wont help the game in the long run as much as it could if you did it right and add features people want.
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