CHOSEN CHICKAN 1/mar./2024 às 21:34 
+rep Great guy and an amazing hunt player. One of the best teammates you could ask for. 🫡🫡
Limpphat 14/fev./2024 às 20:12 
you nasty son of a biaaach
Limpphat 13/fev./2024 às 23:10 
hahaha I think you still virgin Johnny boy
Limpphat 12/fev./2024 às 22:34 
bots too scared to even fight on hunt, go back to fortnite kid
paaly 8/fev./2023 às 11:14 
+rep gg
Pyrcia 23/jan./2023 às 12:06 
GönnDir 19/jan./2023 às 8:41 
Sehr gute Runde. Absolut netter Mate. Viel Erfolg weiterhin
JN 什麼 15/nov./2022 às 11:49 
+rep real nice guy you would love playing with him :huntcrosses::heart13:
HelpZønk 7/nov./2022 às 19:36 
haha thats curious because other teammate without problem revive me
HelpZønk 7/nov./2022 às 16:12 
♥♥♥♥ teammate not revive because he is silencer guy
Sergeant 7/nov./2022 às 15:11 
Haha, spotted me a second too late, my man!
Eisen 21/out./2022 às 21:11 
Sehr 💪 😉
Prodigal Son 21/out./2022 às 21:08 
@EisenTheKid ist erledigt! :)
Eisen 21/out./2022 às 20:59 
töte Sieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Prodigal Son 17/out./2022 às 11:09 
Hi Satu!
Satu 16/out./2022 às 22:44 
Hi John!
Prodigal Son 13/out./2022 às 22:49 
Eigentlich weniger, haben nen Mate verloren und ihr ward im Vorteil, Bounty & einen Hunter mehr: Was kann ich dafür dass ihr euren Vorteil nicht nutzt?
BTW: ist flamen dein Hobby?
justinoderwas 13/out./2022 às 21:15 
-rep Campen is auch dein einziges Hobby
Kassenflüsterin 10/out./2022 às 22:10 
gg, habt euch gut geschlagen ^^
StudentJaguar 14/set./2022 às 15:27 
abwarten und tee trinken bis die sich mal bewegen
Ten49 5/set./2022 às 17:58 
werden uns bestimmt noch häufiger treffen :). gg <3
Prodigal Son 27/ago./2022 às 20:21 
@Tiny Mute Lizard please see following:

Please tell me who is the looser, when you gun is clipping through walls.
Tiny Mute Lizard 27/ago./2022 às 12:39 
Is halt schon praktisch in Hunt, wenn man durch Wände schauen kann und so, ne? Kleiner Versager.
Jurassic Cock 16/ago./2022 às 18:36 
JohnFox oder JohnBot?
The.74H4. 13/ago./2022 às 19:54 
+rep dude for your comms and game play
KandonDarfy 27/jul./2022 às 22:05 
hast du ihr es denn Rausgeschaft?
KandonDarfy 27/jul./2022 às 20:55 
+rep nimm das anzünden nicht persönlich :)
haben dich extra wieder ausgemacht
ﯼﻹ≡Вﻹ 14/mai./2022 às 1:00 
+rep, nice mate, tries everything to rez you.
ᛅᛅ вαяσхх ᛅᛅ 6/abr./2022 às 0:04 
gg netter fight =')
o___c___e___a___n 13/mar./2022 às 13:15 
+rep good Teamplayer in Hunt Showdown!
Brudermann 11/mar./2022 às 20:29 
+rep good sportsman
Leon S. Kennedy 16/fev./2022 às 18:48 
+rep nice guy
Aries 26/nov./2021 às 16:31 
Scheiße, JohnFox, ich hätts dir gegönnt aber du wurdest von meinen Mördern gekillt.
+rep Hunt Showdown
Miyu 27/abr./2021 às 19:06 
LUNATiiiX# 17/abr./2021 às 11:07 
Miyu 30/ago./2020 às 21:32 
Guten Kameraden schickt man einen DEUTSCHEN Panzer!
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..........(\/((╭╮▼╭╮▼╭╮▼╭╮▼╭╮▼╭╮))\/) .........
Kitsuniix 25/jul./2020 às 16:15 
+rep gg wp was fun
cvraimentpasdeslol 23/jul./2020 às 13:42 
+rep good survivor! gg wp
LUNATiiiX# 18/jul./2020 às 16:10 
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Miyu 13/nov./2019 às 20:07 
+rep, fair surv mate :cozydbd: