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6.3 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 2,655.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (42.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2018. máj. 12., 1:54
Frissítve: 2022. febr. 24., 1:10
Ingyen kapott termék

Updated February 24, 2022

Got back to the game after people complain about the game being a bit stale with a fair amount of cheaters (most people will still try to sabotage the cheaters regardless, so it's a plus), and a new operator is going to be added! She is really fun in the TS server from what I saw. Season Pass is back as well, and Team Deathmatch is back for good. If you're new to Siege, now is a great time to try it again. It won't be like the good ol' Siege days, but hey, at least it's becoming a tad bit more fun again.
Updated at December 9, 2019 (Operation Shifting Tides)
This game surprised me in a way that it is ridiculously good. Some key aspect to this:

1. Immersive Firefight. Think about it as Insurgency but slightly less realistic, yet the sounds and the destruction makes the game feel alive.

2. Destruction. Boi oh boi, the breaches and all with either something to do with explosives or guns will leave you satisfied no matter how many times I did this. (Pretty much every walls that are not metal or concrete are breach-able.)

3. Sounds. The weapons sounds and the environment is amazing, but there are some drawback to this (Discussed later below.)

4. Teamwork/Communication. Trust me, a headphones/earphones will gives you a lot of advantage in this game. However, I mostly play with speakers and I can still get a couple of kills! (However, when I'm the last man standing, I often regret on not using a headphones)

5. Tactics. This is not the type of game it's all about barging in and just killing everyone instantly (Although this is possible though, did this a couple of times already.) Communicate and coordinate well with your teammates, learn from your mistakes, and always check your corners. Also make sure you ADS as you check the room with your trigger finger ready, as defenders love to appear out of nowhere. As defenders tho, be aware of your noises as it will prompt the attackers that you are nearby.

6. Community. Although this game is in the FPS genre, I am really, really shocked by how friendly the community is. Sure, your teammate will be a little pissed off sometimes when you make a mistake, but the chances of this happening is far less from people who are forgiving and are willing to teach you a bit about the game, or at least tell you where they last died. (This is coming from a guy who just plays Casual, in Ranked however, people are oftenly triggered in high ranks.) Hackers are constantly getting banned by Battleye and FairPlay, and as soon as they get banned, there will be a small text on the top right to let you know. Also you get your elo back if there was a cheater in your game.

7. Operators. So many to choose from, but eventually you will find the one you like. If you don't really have the patience, look it up in Youtube. There a couple of videos about this. Sneaky type? There's an Operator for that (tho you have to buy it). All out blazing? Check. Love to camp (in a fancier way, you can call it as anchoring)? No worries, an operator is ready with bulletproof barricades and another one with a tripwire that explodes, killing the unaware opponent in one shot. Don't want those pesky drones to find the objective? Let Mute handle them with his jammer. Additional Operators looks like they cost a lot, but if you grind a lot in the game, you will reach 25k in no time (Older operators costs cheaper than the newer one.)

8. Weapons and the Attachment. Guns feel balanced and there's a couple of attachment that can be mix and matched. Weapon skins exists, but I just wait till I get a pack that I can open. Headshots in this game will reward you greatly, and don't worry about the recoil. Most guns have vertical recoil and not much horizontal recoil.

9. Alpha Packs (basically crates that requires no key to open). You know how games like CSGO requires you to buy a key to open a case? Well say goodbye to that, for everytime you win a game, you get a chance for a drop (If Im not mistaken, there's no limit on how many you can get). Plus, the chances of getting an exclusive item increases whether you win or lose the match if u did not get an Alpha Pack. The chance resets if you do get another alpha pack from winning a pack tho. Items includes headgear, outfits, and weapon skins.

10. Server. Awesome server location. Pretty much every game you play tends to have ping lower than 100. Over 100 though, you will definitely notice the delay in your shots.

The downsides:

1. Occasional Toxicity (+Rage Quits). This game will sometimes make you frustrated at times, and with most randoms, it just becomes a cluster♥♥♥♥. I can name more frustrations, but its up to you figure out that out. I don't suggest playing this game for too long solo or your mental is gonna go insane.

2. Cheaters. Duh, it's an FPS game. It's like the number 1 magnet for every cheaters nowadays.


Possibly the only game I really love that is made by Ubisoft.

If you haven't got the game and just plain tired of other FPS games with a salty community and hackers, this is a MUST HAVE game for you. Great replay value, especially with friends. With the new operators as well, this makes the game super fun (despite what other says to bring back the old siege, which I disagree with.)
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