Jeff   Brasschaat, Antwerpen, Belgium
Drum 'n Base only.
Deborato 2012年12月23日 9時19分 
Is your Paypal and Alertpay account also empty?
Then don't miss this offer wich can make u some easy money for Paypal or Alertpay.
If I see you are a very active member you will have the chance to get bonusses on top of your casual amount of profit.
So click the bannner below and register to start earning, this is NO SCAM---> check youtube if you don't trust me! ;)
Spookers 2010年10月17日 12時33分 
trololo jeff is een ... meneer
Spookers 2010年10月4日 8時25分 
trolololololo hoe ha i wanna knoooooow if you be my hello xD
Viff 2010年8月10日 17時01分 
Als je bij de groep wilt horen raad ik je aan om je naam aan te passen XD
--> [EB] (Blauw) de rest in de vlag van België...:p