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发布于:2023 年 5 月 11 日 上午 8:44

Was doing great. The little town of Aviono, 20k food, 78 adults, around 12 children, and 15 years in. When the 16th year came around, it all went to hell. A fire started, burning one of the three storage barns stocked with food. I tried to get my little people to fight the fire with the wells nearby. They failed miserably and the other two barns caught fire, (this is about the time I realized putting all my food storages close together was a mistake).
The fire started to spread to the wooden houses nearby, so I paused the game and looked up how to fight the damn fire. I figured out prioritizing the fire would help, so I did it and it did the trick. After the fire was put out, I checked out the damage. All my food gone and 5-6 houses destroyed. I knew my first priority should be to get my food back up to support my ever growing population of little people.

This is where I realised I had made another mistake. Over 70% of my food was coming from potato farms, and guess what? All of my farms were right next to each other and an infestation started. Farm after farm were getting infected and loosing crops and I had no idea how to stop it. (I'm not one to go back and load and earlier save) So I paused it and looked it up, I couldn't find out how to stop it this time and I let it run it's course. Now the starvation began, and the graveyard began to fill up with little people's grave stones. It was too late to plant crops to get enough food to feed them all, so I basically gave up and watched everyone die a horrible death. I closed my eyes, mourning the loss of the little people that I had led around for so long.

Then...I opened my eyes. I had three people still living! One 19 year old male and one 22 year old mother with her 6 year old male child. I had another chance to fix the broken city and save Aviono. This female was my last hope, unless I could get her with a female child, all was lost. So I set them to work tearing down the now unoccupied houses of the original Aviono, since I was almost completely out of materials. I got them to live close to eachother and waited paitently untill....success! A female child was born.

Life was good again. I set my new couple to tearing down everything not needed for materials and the future growth or Aviono. In the end, I had two stone houses, one of every type of resource production buildings, a town hall, and a cemetery (to remind me of the past mistakes). I got my population back up to 16 little people, and I sat back and sighed with relief. I had saved a town.
Then I realised that the new towns folk were all inbred children from the three survivors....
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