Kiba Reeves   Australia
Hi there. My name is Jesse and I'm not your typical seventeen year old boy. If you decide to piss me off or even get close to me, I'll f***ing kill you. I'm not nice, I'm not sweet, and I'm not innocent. So don't f***ing treat me as such. I work under the watchful eyes of the Operator beside Hoodie and Masky. Their not exactly the best partners to have but they have my back if sh*t hits the fan. Alex, if you are reading this, I will find you a**hole and when I do, your gonna wish you were never f***ing born for trying to kill my father and friends. So enough about me. If you think you have the balls, talk to me. But keep this in mind, I will find you, and I will kill you if I don't like what I hear from you.
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