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Publicada el 4 FEB 2023 a las 5:03 p. m.

Stop hurting your game EA. Make your purchasing more understandable and smoother. Don't disrespect your customers with tricky mechanics to lock people into a 15 DOLLAR subscription. We are not 13 year old's buying vbucks, most of us playing your game are adults and we manage our money like adults. You people jumped the gun 10 years ago trying to monetize at Launch and that was a train wreck to watch (from over 100 servers down to 15 in under 2 years). Make the Sub $5 and make LAAAAAARRRG LARGE LARGE improvements to your "websites" for players subbed accounts. DO NOT MAKE US click into 3 pages to find our information. Time spent doing that garbage is time I'm not spending playing the game. Thanks to your awesome processes and lengthy time wasters I'm unsubbing after only a month of playing the game. your systems made me want to quit not the game,not the graphics, it was YOUR WEBSITE's DECISION MAKERS that made me want to quit. Those people are costing you money. Drill that into your heads EA. I'll check in in another 10 years. Peace out
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