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Publisert: 29. mars 2020 kl. 14.19

Story Mode
Story - 10/10
Open World Design - 10/10
Gameplay - 9.5/10
Graphics - 10/10
Soundtracks - 10/10
Voice Acting - 10/10
Overall 10/10
One of the best games ever made.
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25 kommentarer
Jacob 2. mai 2020 kl. 4.16 
@Gamer Sadly, you're correct, the replayability value in this game is very low, However, I'm very satisfied with the time I spent in the single-player story, 285 hours is a lot, I've never played this much in any other SP game ever.

So I wouldn't replay the whole game again but go for the online mode that I never opened 😄.
Gamer 1. mai 2020 kl. 4.18 
@Jacob Darka ye the fishing and the other stuff can be really well covered with the creat characters and dialouge but the replayability is really not for me. i replayed titanfall 2 countless times beacuse of the great platforming but i cant see myself doing it it any rockstar game with just walking around.
but overall when u experience it the first time i have close to no problem wiith it.
i also sometimes try to talk to the people i just finished the mission with, just to see what they think of what happened.
Jacob 28. apr. 2020 kl. 3.29 
@ᴛheʀealʙlue There are other factors for the "Overall" rating as well, not just what I mentioned, also, for me, it's either 9, 9.5 or 10, no 9.2 or 9.8.
Grishliem 27. apr. 2020 kl. 21.02 
It would actually be a 9.9/10 not a 10/10 for the overall due to basic math
Jacob 26. apr. 2020 kl. 0.18 
@Callum Actually immersion is related to the open world design, because imagine a non-immersive open world, that would be a bad one and you'd just hurry for the story missions.

As for the animations, I'm not exclusively rating it as gameplay, but it is included indeed, gameplay includes a lot of factors, such as gunplay, horse riding, hunting, fishing, robberies, ...., ...., and animations!

Because imagine doing any of the listed above with poor animations, for me, I wouldn't do it so often to the point where I completed the game 100%, with all single-player achievements.
Completely agree
Callum 25. apr. 2020 kl. 19.52 
You're rating the animations and immersion as gameplay.

You should isolate the gameplay when rating it:
imagine a boring grey room, no immersion or graphics, how well would the gameplay hold up in that scenario?
Jacob 23. apr. 2020 kl. 0.45 
@Jellona Just the mere fact of me not getting tired or bored of the gameplay at all in 285 hours, that only makes it special in my book, plus I really liked the realistic and high quality animations.

But that's my take on the matter, it doesn't have to be yours too.
Jellona 23. apr. 2020 kl. 0.21 
Gameplay, especially looting and combat i'd put at 'Nothing special'.
Jacob 20. apr. 2020 kl. 2.37 
Your welcome, 'hope you enjoy RDR universe 🌟.

As for BAK, this is actually is gonna be my forth playthrough, my first and second playthroughs were on the very first build of the game [2015/6], yes, that broken build that got pulled out of steam, with all of its bugs like stuttering, 30fps lock, heavy frame drops, crashes, and when the game just freezes for 10-30s between cutscenes, I enjoyed the game a lot! to the point where I actually replayed it, and it's on my top 10 best games of all time.

However, with that being said, my third playthrough [2016], I never got any issues of any sort with it, stable 60fps/1080p, no frame drops, no crashes, nothing, just pure good game, and same thing for my 4th go [2020/now], the game works perfectly, with all settings maxed out.

I read your discussion about the game, and personally, I didn't have issues with most of what you've addressed, the only thing that bothered me, is the antialiasing, but with a simple ReShade, I fixed that.