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Publicada el 16 OCT 2020 a las 20:44
Actualizada el 6 MAY a las 12:25

Write the different letters with a fine pen in your notebook
Dear Mr Dr Crabblesnitch, We recognise that we have to sacrifice an entire Saturday for what we have done. Yes, we are guilty, but to force us to write an essay about ourselves is just crazy. What do you care who we are? You see us the way you want to see us. In short, it's very simplistic. We discovered that each of us is: A smart guy, an athlete, a psychopath, a princess and a criminal. Does this answer your question? Sincerely, the Weekend Club.

Once again
Once again, the comparison with Hogwarts, where all issues are solved with fists, not with a wave of a wand, flashes before your eyes? I'm tired of it, too, or can we adapt it to the modern trend? How about the classic Riverdale and The Breakfast Club?
Welcome to Bullworth Academy, a proper cauldron of American high school clichés: attempts to gain social status from peers, teachers terrorising their students, typical pranks on people so imposed on us by pop culture, a world in which Jimmy Hopkins' mother leaves her difficult-to-raise son for a honeymoon for the next twelve months.

We have to organise our own "revolution" as at the beginning of the game you are in the poverty of the food chain, majors, nerds, athletes, cool and of course city boys. Definitely, the plot is very predictable, but it doesn't make it worse, it's just another high school film series, but in the world of gaming it's a unique project, rockstars, where is the second part? The world resembles the same mysterious Riverdale with its secrets and foundations of order.

Without a doubt, I recommend and love this game, I have tortured the crooked port to the hilt.

First rule of the Review: do not tell anyone about the Review
The opinion is purely subjective, the writing could be influenced by any little thing, emotion, people, food, or inspiration by the creativity with which the author surrounded himself at one stage of life, if you disagree, I am always open to adequate criticism
Second rule of the Review: never tell anyone about the Review
The third rule of the review is that it lasts until you read "Enough"

Enough is Enough - 10 bars of soap
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6 comentarios
Elímínv†e 3 ABR 2021 a las 8:55 
Jack Nevermind 18 OCT 2020 a las 3:00 
У меня ни разу не вылетала
18 OCT 2020 a las 2:35 
А игра больше не вылетает? А то снизу такие комментарии страшные...
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~🍑~AmneziaHardcover🍑 16 OCT 2020 a las 23:28 
¡¡¡ Clever_Ren 16 OCT 2020 a las 22:12 